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  1. The statistical material is from the WIR-Pionier (WIR Pioneer), 25th anniversary edition in 1959. Founding of the WIR Cooperative on October 16, 1934, in Zuerich. The first group of cooperators consisted of 16 persons with a total paid-in cooperative capital of SFr. 42,000 (average per person SFr.2625.-. Ed.).

  2. 1. "The network started in 1956 with a small stove factory built by five former students of a vocational teacher, a priest named José María Arizmendiarrieta. Unions were banned but agricultural co-op laws allowed workers to own their workplaces. Basque solidarity facilitated fund-raising. The movement faced a crisis in 1958 when Madrid ...

  3. Bio 0. From the Wikipedia: "Jacques Ellul (January 6, 1912 – May 19, 1994) was a French philosopher, sociologist, lay theologian, and professor who was a noted Christian anarchist. Ellul was a longtime Professor of History and the Sociology of Institutions on the ...

  4. = both a general concept and a project by Harvard University for the H.U. project, OpenScholar Concept Discussion Gideon Burton: "The Open Scholar, as I'm defining this person, is not simply someone who agrees to allow free access and reuse of his or her ...

  5. In 1958 he travelled to America to take up the Chair of Roman Catholic Studies at Harvard University, where he remained until 1962, when ill-health forced him to return to England. Though himself a committed Catholic, Dawson was an immensely learned and broadminded scholar whose aim was to reach as wide as possible an audience through his writings, in order to stimulate thought on issues that ...

  6. 2010年8月31日 · Five essential WIR qualities: • WIR is an unusually flexible, versatile payment medium; • WIR is exclusive, used by a select group; • WIR belongs to the private economic sphere; • WIR is a purely Swiss entity; and • WIR, unlike conventional money, is theft-proof. Two more essential features:

  7. We can simply put it in terms of "scarcity thinking" versus "abundance thinking". Scarcity thinking is linked to fear and unfulfilled needs; abundance is a sense of plenty in life, a sense of the bounty of living. Perhaps this distinction can be illustrated through the philosophical discussion of the gift (9).

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