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  1. *['kɒmplimәnt] n. 稱贊, 恭維, 敬意 vt. 稱贊, 褒揚, 恭維 相關詞組: compliment sb into compliment sb out of sth give a compliment to sb compliment away

  2. and cf. { Entreat }, { Retreat }, { Trait }.] 1. To handle; to manage; to use; to bear one ' s self toward ; as, to treat prisoners cruelly; to treat children kindly . [ 1913 Webster ] 2. To discourse on; to handle in a particular manner, in writing or speaking; as, to treat a subject diffusely .

  3. 威妥 [hsieh] 國語二式 [shie] 國語羅馬字 [shye] to cooperate to harmonize to help to assist to join.

  4. a matter of the greatest importance. 非常重要的問題. a matter of opinion. 頗有爭議的問題. the matter in dispute [ question ] 爭論中的問題. the matter in hand. 當前的問題. He is careless about money matters .

  5. 防止疾病是可能的 […而言]<事、物>是可能的,[某人]能做<某事>的 [for,to] This job is possible for him. 他而言,這件工作是可能的; 他能做這件工作 All things are possible to God. 神是萬能的 [人]<做…是>可能的 Is it possible for him to get there

  6. degradation 褫奪聖職;聖職降級;勒令還俗;摘權 亦即撤銷聖職身分,為教會聖職人員的最嚴厲的處罰。 來源(8): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide] Degradation \Deg`ra*da"tion\, n. [LL. degradatio, from degradare: cf. F. d['e].

  7. *['swɒlәu] n. 燕子, 吞咽, 喉 vt. 咽, 淹沒, 吞沒, 耗盡, 輕信, 忍受, 抑制 vi. 吞下, 咽下 【醫】 吞咽 相關詞組: eat sth in one swallow swallow one's words swallow hard 可輸入英文單字、中文字詞、台灣地址、計算式 按[Enter]重新輸入