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  1. Distributed computing is a type of segmented or parallel computing, but the latter term is most commonly used to refer to processing in which different parts of a program run simultaneously on two or more processors that are part of the same computer." Distributed computing has begun developing in the research area for solving simulation or ...

  2. Arthur Brock: "I assert that it is not just Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work wasted computation on crypto-cracking that is the problem. Don't get me wrong, Bitcoin multiples the problem a thousand-fold, but the fundamental problem remains. Bitcoin burns more electricity than the whole country of Ireland to achieve about 5 transactions per second.

  3. GENIVI Alliance: a not-for-profit consortium consisting mostly of automotive and electronic manufacturing companies, that similarly aims to help the industry standardize on an open source ICC. Projects include Smart Device Link for interfacing between a handheld and the integrated electronics in the car. Swedspot Open Infotainment: Swedspot is ...

  4. As soon as push comes to shove, and the liberal-democratic societies are threatened by total war, they approximate central planning in their production methods as closely as their political systems allow. Capitalist firms rely on high-level central planning all the time in the modern economy.

  5. 3/ Switch from linear 2D to ecosystem 3D: The linear "suppliers-clients" 2D business models are leaving place for stakeholders models in 3D. In an old ego-based economy, where scarcity of resources make the fortune of a few, Plug-and-play with resources and needs on 7 levels opens up gigantic new opportunities to create activity and solutions.

  6. In the early stages of its use, Diaspora* can function as a social aggregator, bringing together feeds from various other platforms. The idea is that this lowers the barriers to joining the network, and as more of your friends join, you no longer need to bounce communications through Facebook. Instead, you can communicate directly, securely ...

  7. Description. From the Wikipedia [1] : "Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy": "In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely. He has restated it as:

  1. switch 相關

  2. 20年技術,製造開關大廠!品質通過多國認證,銷售國內外,業界口碑保證,請洽。

  3. 花錢?不存在的!玩遊戲還能賺錢~~. 全新的裝備回收系統,讓你超爽體驗~ ...

  4. 生產 搖桿開關,按鈕,指示燈,觸控,翹板,鍵盤.滑動.旋鈕.儀器.鑰匙.電容. 工業型搖頭開關 霍爾搖桿 指示燈 不銹鋼按鍵和鍵盤 單極按鈕 防水面板 壓電開關

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