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  1. 2023年7月2日 · Goonmaxing (Goon-max-ing) -verb Maximising ones goonish attributes to become a better Goon such as aquiring a high quality bandit mask, getting to know your boss and fellow goons, going to the gym to be better at the whole hired muscle thing and joining a

  2. 2020年3月23日 · Someone who does way too much for a person they like When you infatuate over women, allowing them to take over your mind and cause you to do things for them that you wouldn't normally do.

  3. 2019年1月14日 · A technique attributed to a British orthodontist named Mike Mew that involves putting pressure on the roof of your mouth with your tongue to try and change the shape of your face by moving your maxilla up and forwards with the lateral pressure of your tongue. This ...

  4. 2008年2月20日 · A fun game played during intercourse. The male takes position behind the female, and begins to have intercourse with her. During copulation, as the mood gets more excitable, the male shouts out another woman's name. This is where the game begins. The male ...

  5. 2010年10月6日 · Getting an invite for a party to celebrate the awesome that is the mustache on FaceBook and receiving hundreds of replies because the concept of reply to sender is difficult to grasp for some. Trolling and hilarity ensues, in that order.

  6. 2008年4月6日 · An Ego Birth is when a person, usually a (cis caucasian male) takes psychedelics, then proceeds to become more of an insufferable person than they were before. They often brag about discovering basic human empathy and understanding in their late twenties. That guy definitely had a ego birth, he took acid once now constantly gloats about gaining ...

  7. 2004年5月9日 · 1. Government intelligence agents, see G-men. 2. Anyone involved in espionage. When the gang came into the mall, all of the people were "spooked" from the mean looks on all their faces.

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