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  1. This game was published for political reasons, to "make" a point. That it turns out to be somewhat enjoyable is purely coincidental. In this game, a player may win by maneuvering all four of his "criminals" in such a way that they are all in Life Imprisonment, Death Row or the Electric Chair. Or the player may use his two "liberals" to spring ...

  2. Now I've gotten a hold of all the Pandemic expansions I thought I'd do a rundown of my views on the different roles, and their usefulness. Someone did this about ten years ago but back then there was only one expansion and lots of people didn't have.

  3. Description. Edit. The Battalion Combat Series (BCS) is a simulation of grand tactical warfare from the advent of mechanized armies in the late portion of World War I to the present. It was created to show that there is a level of warfare that has its own distinct nature and behaviors between the tactical and operational levels of war.

  4. Unmatched is a miniatures dueling game featuring fighters of all kinds – from the page to the screen to the stuff of legends. Each hero has a unique deck of cards that fits their fighting style. You can mix and match fighters from any Unmatched set. But remember, in the end, there can only be one winner. publisher blurb.

  5. Arcs is a sharp sci-fi strategy game for 2–4 players, set in a dark yet silly universe. Ready yourself for dramatic twists and turns as you launch into this galactic struggle. Take actions with multi-use cards. Copy the leader, pivot to new tactics, or take the initiative for next round. Timing is everything.

  6. The Riverfolk expansion includes: A New Core Faction: The Riverfolk Company. A New Core Faction: The Lizard Cult. An Extra Vagabond. One Custom Card Holder For Each Player. Cooperative Scenarios. Rules for Bot Play. and Three Additional Vagabond Variants. This expansion now allows Root to be played with 1-6 players.

  7. They venerated Pachamama, Mother Earth, the basis of all living things, plants and minerals, on earth and under the earth. In Tiwanaku, first announced as Pachamama, you lead your tribe into unknown territory in search of new lands to cultivate. Your goal: To explore regions and draw outlines to develop cultures according to the customs and ...