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  2. 電子式便利門鎖!適用飯店、廠房、辦公室等多環境,從生產組裝到出貨,皆受檢驗測試,安心保證! 適用各種家用/商辦門、單扇/雙扇門、旋轉門,電子化輕鬆管理,隨時掌握狀況!立即聯絡免費洽詢


  1. 그리고 다른 하나는 12(6+4+2) - 11.7 = 0.3 BTC 의 "잔돈(change)"이 표시된 새로운 UTXO 이며 소유자는 Alice 자신의 지갑주소가 된다. 채굴(Mining) 만일 우리가 위에서 기술한 내용을 신뢰를 기반으로 하는 중앙집권화된 서비스 방식으로 구현하자면 매우 ...

  2. 2014年1月12日 · The vectoral class comes into its own once it is in possession of powerful technologies for vectoralising information. The vectoral class may commodify information stocks, flows, or vectors themselves. A stock of information is an archive, a body of information maintained through time that has enduring value.

  3. Jr (2012). Rediscovering solidarity economy. Manila: On Eagle’s Wings Foundation. (Word document). Quiñones, Benjamin Jr. (2011). Sowing the seeds of solidarity economy in Asia. Kuala Lumpur: Binary University. Quiñones, Benjamin Jr. (2008). Towards an Asian citizens assembly for solidarity economy.

  4. For links to our pages on Australia, please see our category page at Category:Australia.Update tag via Resources related ...

  5. It explores the world view and theoretical foundations of a very specific ideological framework called Critical Social Justice (CSJ). In their book, Pluckrose and Lindsay refer to Critical Social Justice as simply “Social Justice” (note the capitalization) to distinguish CSJ from the general aims of what some call social justice and others ...

  6. = participant in the Future of the Commons retreat; agricultural, ecological, and energy expert URL = Bio Senior Research ...

  7. Subsidiarity is a scholastic natural law principle of hierarchy that not only applies to states, but also to human bodies, families, churches, villages, forests, seas – in fact, to all things of nature. Subsidiarity has little, if anything to do, with federalist issues of centralization and decentralization (distribution of powers) within ...