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  1. 探索沙塵暴蛇、冒泡海灣、冰凍苔原等,幫助創造無限可能的世界!. 與您的朋友一起冒險,探索美麗的風景和突發的危險。. Minecraft 免費試用版 提供 Windows、Android、PlayStation 4、PlayStation 3 和 Vita 版本。. 試用期限會因所使用的裝置而異。. 持續瞭解 Minecraft: Java ...

  2. 购买 Minecraft Java & Bedrock 版(适用于 PC 端),享受双重游戏乐趣!在不同平台上探索、建造、生存,与全球玩家互动。

  3. 畅玩 Minecraft Legends 最大更新!. 马上行动起来,与无畏青蛙同行,带领神秘女巫直面可怕的悖谬猪灵和引发强风的鼓风机. 结识昨日之敌、今日之友!. 与挥洒魔药的女巫并肩作战,建造炼药锅加深与盟友的关系。. 猪灵让你提心吊胆吗?. 马上行动起来,与无畏 ...

  4. 2023年12月22日 · Discover the best add-ons, mods, and more being built by the incredible Minecraft community! Settle into three soothing Minecraft stories. Flit from dreamy deserts to tranquil taigas and lulling lush cave s – each with a uniquely serene soundscape and soothing animations. A quiet Minecraft moment for the holiday season!

  5. Preview Version: | Beta Version: While the version numbers between Preview and Beta are different, there is no difference in game content. These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality. Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices.

  6. Discover the mysteries of Minecraft Legends, a new action strategy game. Lead your allies in heroic battles to defend the Overworld from the destructive piglins. Play Minecraft Legends’ biggest update! Hop into action with the fearless frog and lead the enigmatic witches to face the petrifying clanger piglin and the gusty air chopper.

  7. Minecraft Legends 标准版. 猪灵威胁要吞噬主世界。. 您是这片祥和大地所需要的那位英雄吗?. 探索丰富的生物群系,与新朋友和熟识的生物结成联盟,在史诗战斗中直面猪灵。. 但请小心,猪灵定会回击。. 畅玩 Minecraft Legends 最大免费内容更新!. 马上行动起来,与 ...