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  1. 1. 榮耀福音向外推廣,. 乃是生命的湧流;. 藉著我們活的見證,. 失喪罪人蒙拯救。. 求主使我湧流生命,. 使你生命顯於我;. 藉我作你活的器皿,. 將人靈裡來點活。.

  2. 1. 父阿,我們在你面前拜禮,. 尊敬鄭重;. 現在我們這些兒女聚集,. 是要稱頌:. 奇恩如何帶領我們回家,. 與你兒子一同親近阿爸!. 2. 知愛的人都知這裡的愛,.

  3. Jesus, the sinner’s Friend. It is our only plea. His well-beloved Son. We live, for Thou hast died. Jesus, the sinner’s Friend! That ransomed hearts would raise. We’ll stand complete in Thee. Adoring, at Thy feet. Sang this now for over 70 years and still can say, He is this sinner's friend.

  4. 主耶穌!. 』將你心事向祂傾訴,. 祂聆聽且在乎,祂巴望並催促;. 祂永世的渴慕,就等你轉向祂的眷顧。. 2. 你心中深處的乾渴,祂一切都清楚;. 祂知你心境,和你所有事故。. 祂的恩典全無阻礙,祂只在等候你敞開,. 等你將流蕩的心投入祂胸懷。.

  5. 1. “當信靠主耶穌,當信當信靠主耶穌,. 你和你一家都必得救;”. 踏出你信心腳步,神必定為你開路,. 祂旣如此應許,必定會成就。. 你心不要疑惑,你只管放心交託,. 在人所不能,在神都能;. 只要祂為你掌握,相信總會有結果,. 現在起來呼求,高舉主 ...

  6. Blessed assurance. Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. Praising my Savior all the day long. Praising my Savior all the day long. Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. Praising my Savior all the day long. Praising my Savior all the day long. Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

  7. 調和是神心意。. 2. 人裏有一比心思、情感、意志更深之地,. 是神所造的靈,好使人能盛裝祂自己。. 祂且要從人靈裏湧出,像江河無止息─. 調和是神心意。. 神人調和,阿利路亞!. 神人調和,阿利路亞!. 神人調和,阿利路亞!.