Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. But we all with unveiled face. Even as from the Lord Spirit. Even as from the Lord Spirit. Lord may we continually behold and reflect You! You Lord are so so beautiful! Lord, thank You for Your transformation work within us. Lord Jesus, in this dark age, keep us looking away to You and You alone. Make us the ones looking into Your glorious face ...

  2. But we all, but we all with unveiled face. Even as from the Lord, the Lord Spirit. From glory to glory. Into the same image, from glory to glory! Beholding, reflecting, and being transformed! Lord Jesus! We love to behold Your face! Praise Him for unveiling us! 1 John 3:2- Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been manifested ...

  3. › en › hymnHymn: 佳偶的歌

    你的愛和你美麗自己,吸引我快跑跟隨你。我重生進你內室,蒙你餧養到永世。 良人阿!我只屬於你。佳偶阿!你何等美麗。你我生命、性情是一,愛裡聯結永不分離。 请將我们铭刻你心上, 因你爱如死之坚强。 朝思暮想,良人,我王, 愿你快来,香草山上!

  4. 滿了真理的詩歌,頌詞與靈歌。} ... 因祂的名我得赦免,哦,祂的愛!在仇敵前為我設筵,哦,祂的愛!祂使最好福分臨我,祂禁旨外禍害侵我,直到榮耀祂在引我,哦,祂的愛!

  5. 滿了真理的詩歌,頌詞與靈歌。} ... 身處異地,飢寒交迫,是祂來把我找著;祂帶我們進入美地,靈裡舒適真無比! 哦,召會生活,無比榮耀又豐富!在此我們合一相處,享受生命的祝福。

  6. 愛使我們相聚一起. 我們喜樂、滿足且洋溢。. 完全的愛把懼怕驅除。. 同蒙天召,奔跑生命路。. 這愛是在基督耶穌裡!. 永遠的愛就是神自己!. 永远的爱就是神自己!. 这爱是在基督耶穌里!. 永远的爱就是神自己!.

  7. 咒詛祂受祝福我享. 恩愛高深,誰能測量?. 我的心哪,應當歌唱!. 咒诅你受,祝福我享。. 我们是何等有福的一帮人,主耶稣,我们爱你。. 滿了真理的詩歌,頌詞與靈歌。.