Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 當你一張一張地翻開寶藏,試著搜刮最多的寶藏時,如果抽到的都是不同花色的寶藏,便能增加你的財富;一旦出現兩件相同花色的寶藏,就會引發爆炸! 你的回合結束,眼前的寶藏全數沉入大海,消失無蹤! 夥伴! 如果是你,你會怎麼做? 再抽一張吧! 13歲以上|2-4人|15分鐘 牌套:65×90mm×94張.

  2. 嗡~嗡~嗡!. 蜜蜂躲在哪?. 你能找到躲在蜂巢中的蜜蜂嗎?. 因為蜂巢經常變換位置,你真的確定這個顏色的蜜蜂躲在這裏嗎?. 找到最多正確顏色蜜蜂的玩家贏得遊戲勝利。. 捕蜂高手一款給記憶小超人的聰明遊戲!. 4歲以上|2-5人|15分鐘. 牌套:65×65mm× ...

    • Chinese
    • Swan Panasia Co., Ltd.
    • Michael Menzel
    • 2016
  3. Thunder Road: Vendetta is a revved-up restoration of the classic 1986 game of mayhem on the asphalt. Grab your crew, roll your dice, race your cars, shoot your guns, and try not to get wrecked. This new version features exciting new additions, including random hazard tokens, such as wrecks, oil slicks, and more. Damage isn't merely one and done.

  4. Classification. Possibly the most popular, mass market war game. The goal is conquest of the world. - gaining reinforcements through number of territories held, control of every territory on each continent, and turning sets of bonus cards. - Attacking other players using a simple combat rule of comparing the highest dice rolled for each side.

  5. You are head of a family in an Italian city-state, a city run by a weak and corrupt court. You need to manipulate, bluff and bribe your way to power. Your object is to destroy the influence of all the other families, forcing them into exile. Only one family will survive... In Coup, you want to be the last player with influence in the game, with ...

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