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    Kingston learns from her mother that she once had an aunt who killed herself and her newborn baby by jumping into the family well in China. The woman's husband had left the country years before, so the villagers knew that the child was illegitimate. The night that the baby was born, the villagers raided and destroyed the family house, and the woman...

    Because Kingston cannot ask about her unnamed auntwho is referred to only as \"No-Name Woman\"she invents her own fantasies about why her aunt gave in to her forbidden passions. In one such scenario, her aunt is a timid woman ordered into submission by a rapist. In another, her aunt harbors a slowly blossoming passion, attempting to attract a man's...

    In a particularly vivid section of the chapter, Kingston imagines the time when her aunt's family casts her aunt out. Alone, her aunt is lost in the wilderness, and when the baby comes, she resorts to giving birth in a pigsty. Kingston believes that her aunt decides to kill herself and her baby together in order to spare the child a life without fa...

  1. Analysis. Marx introduces here the idea that money plays a very different role in modern capitalistic society than it does in traditional society. C-M-C uses money as a unit of exchange. An example would be a person who sold a hat for $30, and then used that money to buy corn. The money is instrumentally useful in trading commodities.

  2. On a dark winter night outside Elsinore Castle in Denmark, an officer named Bernardo comes to relieve the watchman Francisco. In the heavy darkness, the men cannot see each other. Bernardo hears a footstep near him and cries, “Who’s there?” After both men ensure that the other is also a watchman, they relax.

  3. Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit Hole. Next. Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?”

  4. Analysis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland begins with Alice dozing off as her sister reads to her, anticipating the strange and nonsensical events that occur throughout the book. As her sister reads, Alice nods off into a dream-like state in which she seems to catch sight of a fully dressed white rabbit capable of speaking English.

  5. Overview. The Giver by Lois Lowry, published in 1993, unfolds in a meticulously controlled utopian society where conformity and the elimination of individuality are paramount. The narrative follows Jonas, selected as the Receiver of Memories, tasked with bearing the weight of the community’s suppressed history and emotions.

  6. A short summary of Karl Marx's Das Kapital. This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of Das Kapital.