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  1. 資料時間:2024/05/01

  2. › wiki › TaiwanTaiwan - Wikipedia

    Taiwan. Taiwan, cried Formosa (frae Portuguese: Ilha Formosa, "Bonnie Island") an aa, is an island situatit in East Asie in the Wastren Paceefic Ocean an locatit off the sootheastren coast o Mainland Cheenae. It haes comprysit maist (99%) o the territory o the Republic o Cheenae (ROC) syne the 1950s.

  3. › wiki › TaipeiTaipei - Wikipedia

    Taipei is the poleetical, economic, an cultural centre o Taiwan. The Naitional Taiwan University is locatit in Taipei, as well as the Naitional Palace Museum, which haes ane o the lairgest collections o Cheenese airtifacts an airtwirks in the warld.

  4. › wiki › Taipei_101Taipei 101 - Wikipedia

    Taipei 101 ( Cheenese: 臺北101 / 台北101 ), formerly kent as the Taipei Warld Financial Center, is a landmark skyscraper locatit in Xinyi Destrict, Taipei, Taiwan. The biggin ranked offeecially as the warld's tawest frae 2004 til the openin o the Burj Khalifa in Dubai in 2010.

  5. Zhōnghuá Hángkōng Gǔfènyǒuxiàngōngsī. China Airlines ( CAL; Cheenese: 中華航空; pinyin: Zhōnghuá Hángkōng) ( TWSE: 2610) is the lairgest airline in Taiwan an the flag carrier o the Republic o Cheenae (Taiwan). It is heidquairtered in Taiwan Taoyuan Internaitional Airport an haes approximately 11,000 employees. [3]

    • Background An Ambiguity Ower "Cheenae"
    • Ambiguity O "Taiwan Province"
    • Roc (Taiwan) Govrenment's Objection
    • Taiwan Unthirldom Viewpoint
    • Use in Vietnam
    • Use in The Un and Other Instances
    • See An Aw

    The dispute an ambiguity ower the meanin o "Cheenae" an which "Cheenae" stemmit frae the diveesion o Republic o Cheenae intae twa Cheenaes at the "end" o the Cheenese Ceevil War in 1949. The term "Cheenae" historically meant the various regimes an imperial dynasties which controlled territories in mainland Asie prior tae 1911, when the imperial see...

    The term "Taiwan, (Province of) China" is an aa potentially ambiguous acause baith the ROC and the PRC each haes administratively a "Taiwan Province", Taiwan Province, Republic of China and "Taiwan Province, People's Republic of China", and neither of thir provinces covers the Matsu Islands, Wuchiu, Kinmen, the Pratas Islands and Itu Aba, aw of whi...

    Awtho the Republic of China is nae a member of the United Nations, the term "Taiwan, China" haes whiles been uised bi the U.N. tae refer tae the Republic of China. (The ROC is prohibited frae uisin its offeecial name internationally unner pressure frae the PRC and uses "Chinese Taipei" in ither organisations.) The ROC sees its uise as a denial of t...

    The confusion and fecht ower uise of the "China" name and the lack of name recognition of "Republic of China" itself and recognition as a kintra are pairt of the reason for the supporters of Taiwan independence tae push for an identity apart frae "China" and for renaming the ROC and gaining international recognition as Republic of Taiwan. Some supp...

    In Vietnam, awtho awmaist state media uise the term "Taiwan" but maist govrenment documents and mony state media uisually uise the forms Đài Loan (Trung Quốc) ["Taiwan (China)"] or Đài Loan, Trung Quốc ("Taiwan, China") tae refer tae Taiwan or Republic of China in mony contexts, includin in muisic and entertainment coverage. In ither media, thay ef...

    The term "Taiwan, Province of China" an aa appears in the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 3166-1 kintra codes acause its information soorce, the publication UN Terminology Bulletin-Country Names, lists Taiwan as "Taiwan, Province of China" due tae the PRC's poleetical influence in the United Nations as a member of the UN Securi...

  6. › wiki › CrottleCrottle - Wikipedia

    Crottle. A yellae crottle. Crottle is a symbiotic jynin o a fungus (the mycobiont) thegither wi a photaesynthetic pairtner (the photaebiont), thit is aither an algae or cyanobacteria that maks fuid fer the mycobiont frae sunlicht whiles the photaebiont is protectit bi the filaments o the crottle. Crottles kivers aroond 7% o the warld's surface ...

  7. › wiki › KaohsiungKaohsiung - Wikipedia

    Kaohsiung (Cheenese: 高雄; pinyin: Gāoxióng; Pe h-ōe-jī: Ko-hiông; auld names: Takao, Takow, Takau) offeecially Kaohsiung Ceety, is ane o the five special municipalities unner the admeenistration o the Republic o Cheenae.Locatit in soothren-westren Taiwan an facin the Taiwan Strait, Kaohsiung is the lairgest municipality in Taiwan at 2,947.62 km 2 (1,138.08 sq mi), an seicont maist ...