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  1. 2016年12月14日 · 這次的Arkham Horror 系列新作,Arkham Horror LCG 利用大量卡片帶領玩家進入克蘇魯的世界,扮演著調查員,調查一件又一件神秘的事件。 有別於Arkham Horror (AH), Eldritch Horror (EH) 一類的與邪神直接對抗遊戲,這次的AH LCG 更深入的角色扮演,像Mansion Of Madness (MOM) 一般要作仔細的調查。 在遊戲過程中,玩家先選擇遊戲的劇本,然後開始遊戲。 玩家會身處一個場境,透過行動作出檢定,找尋提示 (Clue)。 得到足夠的提示後,就會開啟下一步的故事 (Act),真到單元完結。 當單完完結後,會根據玩家的遊戲過程/解迷的進展作出文字記錄,除了影響角色升級外,也會影響接下來故事的發展,遊戲的設定。

  2. Take Gem and Pearl tokens from the common board, then purchase cards, gather bonuses, royal favors, and prestige. Discover new twists and strategic opportunities derived from Splendor, the original best-selling game.

    • (10.7K)
  3. The board game Letters from Whitechapel, which plays in 90-150 minutes, takes the players right there. One player plays Jack the Ripper, and his goal is to take five victims before being caught. The other players are police detectives who must cooperate to catch Jack the Ripper before the end of the game.

  4. From a deck with only sixteen cards, each player starts with only one card in hand; one card is removed from play. On a turn, you draw one card, and play one card, trying to expose others and knock them from the game. Powerful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target.

  5. 三年前在Facebook成立「盜版桌遊退散!」集合眾人之力打擊網路上的盜版桌遊,雖然小有成果,但無奈取締盜版桌遊的相關法令規範鬆散,加上桌遊風行後誤入歧途的買家和賣家多不勝數,使得盜版在台灣仍然無法根絕...

  6. U.S. President Thomas Jefferson decided to send two explorers – Meriwether Lewis and William Clark – to discover this huge terra incognita. Lewis & Clark is a board game in which each player manages an expedition intended to cross the North American continent. Their goal is to be the first to reach the Pacific.

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