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  1. 維基百科,自由的百科全書. 1799年 日曆表( 格里曆 ) 大事記 [ 編輯] 歐洲 列強趁法軍大將 拿破崙 的軍隊被困 埃及 的時機, 神聖羅馬帝國 聯同 英國 、 土耳其 、 俄羅斯 組成了 第二次反法同盟 。 俄羅斯 沙皇 保羅一世 特許 格裡戈裡·舍利霍夫 和 尼古拉·列紮諾夫 成立 俄美公司 ,開始在 阿拉斯加 奪取殖民地。 第四次英邁戰爭爆發, 邁索爾王國 被英軍滅亡,部分領土被 英國東印度公司 與 海得拉巴 瓜分。 剩下的領土重組為邁索爾土邦。 荷蘭東印度公司 廢止。 3月25日 —— 史塔卡赫戰役 (1799年) , 法國督政府 與 奧地利 會戰於 史塔卡赫 (在今日之 德國 ), 奧地利 取得勝利。

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  2. 维基文库中提及1799年的原始文獻 2月7日 (嘉慶四年正月初三)—— 清高宗愛新覺羅弘曆 , 清朝 第五任皇帝、 太上皇 ( 1711年 出生) 2月22日 —— 和珅 ,中國大貪官,大富豪,18世紀首富( 1750年 出生)

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  3. › wiki › 17991799 - Wikipedia

    • Events
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    1. January 9 – British Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger introduces an income tax of two shillings to the pound, to raise funds for Great Britain's war effort in the French Revolutionary Wars. 2. January 17 – Maltese patriot Dun Mikiel Xerri, along with a number of other patriots, is executed. 3. January 21 – The Parthenopean Republic is established in Naples by French General Jean Étienne Championnet; King Ferdinand I of the Two Siciliesflees. 4. January 27 – French Revolutionary Wars:...


    1. April 16 – French Revolutionary Wars: At the Battle of Mount Tabor severely outnumbered French forces repulse an Ottomanattack. 2. April 27 – French Revolutionary Wars: The Battle of Cassano takes place outside of Milan, as Russian and Austrian troops commanded by General Alexander Suvorov rout the French Army under the command of General Jean Moreau. 3. April 28 – Two French diplomats to the Second Congress of Rastattare killed and another badly injured by Austrian cavalry, as they tried...


    1. July 7 – Ranjit Singh's men take their positions outside Lahore. 2. July 12 – Ranjit Singh captures Lahore from the Bhangi Misl, a key step in establishing the Sikh Empire, and becoming Maharaja of the Punjab. 3. July 15 – In the Egyptian port city of Rosetta, French Captain Pierre Bouchard finds the Rosetta Stone. 4. July 25 – At Aboukir, Egypt, Napoleon defeats 10,000 Ottoman Mamluk troops under Mustafa Pasha. 5. August 15 – War of the Second Coalition: Battle of Novi – the defeat of Bar...


    1. January 6 – Jedediah Smith, American fur trapper, explorer (d. 1831) 2. January 12 – Priscilla Susan Bury, British botanist (d. 1872) 3. January 23 – Alois Negrelli, Tyrolean engineer, railroad pioneer active in the Austrian Empire (1858) 4. January 31 – Rodolphe Töpffer, Swiss teacher, author, and artist (d. 1846) 5. February 4 – Almeida Garrett, Portuguese writer (d. 1854) 6. February 11 – Basil Moreau, founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross (d. 1873) 7. February 14 – Walenty Wańkowic...


    1. July 4 – King Oscar I of Swedenand Norway (d. 1859) 2. July 6 – Michael Thomas Bass, English brewer (d. 1884) 3. August 12 3.1. Francis Abbott, Australian astronomer (d. 1883) 3.2. Patrick MacDowell, Irish sculptor (d. 1870) 4. September 1 – Ferenc Gyulay, Hungarian nobleman, general, and governor (d. 1868) 5. September 8 – James Bowman Lindsay, Scottish inventor (d. 1862) 6. September 10 – George Willison Adams, American abolitionist (d. 1879) 7. October 1 – John Brown Russwurm, Americo-L...

    Date unknown

    1. James Townsend Saward, English barrister, forger 2. Domnița Rallou Caragea, Greek princess, independence activist (d. 1870)


    1. January 9 – Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Italian mathematician (b. 1718) 2. January 18 – Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von Crantz, Luxembourgian botanist (b. 1722) 3. January 22 – Horace-Bénédict de Saussure, Swiss aristocrat, alpinist (b. 1740) 4. January 26 – Gabriel Christie (British Army officer), British Army general (b. 1722) 5. February 6 – Étienne-Louis Boullée, French architect (b. 1728) 6. February 7 – Qianlong Emperorof China (b. 1711) 7. February 9 – Johann Baptist Babel, Swiss sculptor (b....


    1. July 7 – William Curtis, English botanist, entomologist (b. 1746) 2. August 2 – Jacques Étienne Montgolfier, French inventor of the hot-air balloon, balloonist (b. 1744) 3. August 4 – John Bacon, British sculptor (b. 1740) 4. August 5 – Richard Howe, British admiral (b. 1726) 5. August 15 – Barthélemy Catherine Joubert, French general (b. 1769) 6. August 29 – Pope Pius VI(b. 1717) 7. August 31 – Nicolas-Henri Jardin, French architect (b. 1720) 8. September 7 8.1. Jan Ingenhousz, Dutch phys...

  4. 3月25日——史塔卡赫战役 (1799年),法国督政府与奥地利会战于史塔卡赫(在今日之德国),奥地利取得胜利。 4月27日 —— 卡萨诺战役 (1799年) , 奥地利 与 俄罗斯 组成的 第二次反法联盟 战胜 法国 。

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  5. 工具. 維基百科,自由的百科全書. 史塔卡赫戰役 (1799年) 第二次反法同盟 的一部分. 史塔卡赫戰役中的奧地利士兵. 日期. 1799年3月25日. 地點. 史塔卡赫 ,位於今日的 德國.

  6. Events. Action of 9 February 1799. January 30 – Congress passes the Logan Act, forbidding unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments, in response to George Logan 's unofficial attempt to negotiate peace between the U.S. and France.

  7. 9 October – Sinking of HMS Lutine (1779), a famous treasure wreck, in the West Frisian Islands. 16 October – Action of 16 October 1799: A Spanish treasure convoy worth more than £600,000 is captured by the Royal Navy off Vigo.