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  1. 2015年7月21日 · 蘇州市 (蘇州話: [səu tsøʏ]),簡稱 蘇,古稱 吳,是 中華人民共和國 江蘇省 東南部的一個 地級市,位於 長江三角洲 和 太湖平原 的中心地帶,號稱魚米之鄉、 狀元之鄉 、院士之鄉 [5] 、經濟重鎮、 歷史文化名城,自古與 杭州 共享有「上有天堂、下有蘇杭」之稱 [6]。 市人民政府駐 姑蘇區三香路998號。 蘇州有文字記載的歷史已有4000餘年,而官方認定的建城史逾5000年,是中國現存最古老的城市之一, 江南 吳文化 的發祥地之一 [7]。

  2. › wiki › SuzhouSuzhou - Wikipedia

    Suzhou (/ suːˈdʒoʊ /; [5] Chinese: 苏州; Suzhounese: sou¹ tseu¹ [səu˦ tsøʏ˦], Mandarin: [sú.ʈʂóʊ]), alternately romanized as Soochow, is a major prefecture-level city in southern Jiangsu province, China. As part of the Yangtze Delta megalopolis, it is a major economic center and focal point of trade and commerce.

  3. 苏州是国内经 国务院 批准的享有地方立法权的 较大的市 之一, 长江三角洲经济圈 北翼重要的经济城市,是江苏省经济较发达、现代化程度较高的城市 [19],经济总量长期居全省前列,是全省的经济中心、工商业中心、对外贸易中心 [20] 和物流中心。 根据2016年官方发布的各项统计数据,苏州的 人类发展指数 已达到0.901 [4],已超越世界第18位的 韩国 [21],达到新加坡水平。 苏州文化底蕴深厚,是 中华人民共和国 首批24个 国家历史文化名城 之一,10个全国重点风景旅游城市之一,首批 中国优秀旅游城市 [22]。 苏州古典园林 作为 中国古典园林 的代表,已列入《世界文化遗产 名录》 [23]。 苏州还承办过第28届 世界遗产大会 [24]。

  4. 蘇州,簡稱蘇,別稱吳都、吳門、姑蘇、平江, 吳文化 的發祥地與中心,自2500年前建城以來,其規模位置迄今基本未變。. 蘇州 位於 長江三角洲 和 太湖平原 的中心地帶,東接 上海,西抱 太湖,南連 浙江,北枕 長江。. 蘇州 長期為江南地區的經濟、文化 ...

  5. › en › SuzhouSuzhou - Wikitravel

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    Suzhou was the capital of the kingdom of Wu from the 12th to 4th centuries BC. Historically, it was the center of Wu culture, and the Suzhou dialect of the Wu languageis still considered the standard dialect even though the language is now often called "Shanghainese". Today, Suzhou has become a core city of China's Yangtze River Delta economic zone...

    By plane

    Nearest airport is Sunan Shuofang International Airport (苏南硕放国际机场) in Wuxi. Distance from the airport to central Suzhou is 38 km (23 mi). Larger nearby airports rest in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou.

    Via Hangzhou

    Intercity Bus between Suzhou and Hangzhou airports. You can go to Waiting Room,the location is North of Entrance 5 to the Arrival Hall, First Level of Terminal Building. Price range is ¥20-30 per.

    By train

    There are four major train stations in Suzhou: Suzhou Station, Suzhou North Station (Bei Zhan), Suzhou Industrial Park Station (Yuanqu), and Suzhou New Area Station (Xinqu). If you live in SIP it's more convinient to use Suzhou Yuanqu station (note some trains stop on that one instead of Suzhou Station). Suzhou North Railway station (苏州北站, Sūzhōu běi zhàn) is used for high-speed trains departing to/from Beijing. It's situated a bit outskirts. A ride to Beijing usually takes 5 hours. Suzhou St...


    Downtown Suzhou (Canglang, Pingjiang and part of Jinchang district) is completely bounded by a large, rectangular canal known as the Weichang River (Weichang Hé), with 9 east-west canals and 12 north-south canals running through the city. Most of the major sights are located within this area. Slightly further out is the ring road which is divided into east (Donghuan Lu), west (Xihuan Lu), north-east (Beihuan Dong Lu), north-west (Beihuan Xi Lu), south-east (Nanhuan Dong Lu) and south-west (Na...


    It's possible to walk around the city although many will find the distances between some attractions too large to make walking an option. Ask the concierge at your hotel to write out the name of your destination(s), as well as how to get back. Make sure to add your own notes so you know what the translation is. Be warned that walking in downtown is by no means relaxing - most sidewalks are narrow and clogged with parked scooters meaning that you'll end up walking in the bike lane or in the ro...


    Suzhou's fleet of 4,000 rattling old silver-and-teal VW Santana taxis are a very reasonably priced way of getting around - if you can find one that is. During the week taxis are easily available, but from Friday afternoon until Sunday night it is nearly impossible to find free car in historic center of town. Fares start at ¥10 for 3 km and tick up at ¥2.8 per km, so most trips within the city are cheap. That said, Suzhou's cabbies are infamous for their lack of local knowledge so having an ad...

    The local Suzhou dialect belongs to the Wu family of Chinese dialects, and is not mutually intelligible with standard Mandarin. As Suzhou is the traditional cradle of Wu culture, the Suzhou dialect is taken to be the prestige dialect of Wu Chinese. As such, Suzhou is the place to start for people who want to learn to speak Wu Chinese. However, as w...

    Classical Gardens

    1. The Humble Administrator's Garden (Zhuo Zheng Yuan 拙政园), Dongbei St (Located in the NE corner of the old city), ☎ +86 51267537002, [x]. 7:30AM-5:30PM. Said to cost a boatload of silver and taken sixteen years to build. Free tours through the garden start every 5-10 minutes, though these tours are conducted only in Mandarin. Included in the tour is a "Chinese marriage", a look at carved tree roots, followed by a boat ride through the garden canals. The incredible collection of bonsai trees...


    1. Ligongdi (李公堤), Ligongdi, Suzhou Industrial Park. Li Gong Di is the only causeway seated in the Suzhou Jinji Lake, the largest inner-city lake in China. It is elegant and delicate ancient architecture with a total length of 1400 meters that built during the reign of Emperor Guangxu by Li Chaoqiong, the magistrate of Yuanhe County. Currently Harmony Group is engaged in overall planning and cascade developing for the area of the southwest bank of Jinji Lake including Li Gong Di. The top clas...


    1. Ding Hui Temple (DingHui Si), DingHui Temple Lane (Off Fenghuang St). A recently constructed temple on the site of a Tang Dynasty temple. Little more than two huge 300 year-old Ginkgo trees and some stone pillar bases remain from the original complex after it was demolished and a factory built atop in 1949. Free. 1. Cold Mountain Temple (HanShan Si), (South of the Grand Canal. From the southern end of Suzhou Station, take the You3 Bus (游3路) and get off at Laifengqiao 来凤桥, ten stops away)....

    Cycle. Suzhou is relatively flat, and once past the ring-road, traffic is light and easy-going enough to enable a pleasant ride about town. Jinji Lake, Dushu Lake and a few outlying temples are wit...

    If you consider buying arts and craft items, teas, silks, or other items that are somewhat costly, it would be advantageous to get the help of a Chinese-speaking person, preferably a Suzhou local who knows the products and markets. Many more upscale hotels will offer the services of a personal assistant, or you can try asking around in one of the l...

    Suzhou has its own unique, slightly sweet cuisine that tends to have very light and delicate flavors. Locals are very fond of freshwater fish and shellfish. Sweets made from glutinous rice paste are an old tradition here; these will generally baffle most Western palates. A Suzhou specialty popular with many visitors is Song Shu Gui Yu, often render...


    Shiquan Street(十全街)is the main bar area. It is also the entertainment district for guys looking for a little conversation with gals. A number of the bars on this street are thinly-veiled fronts for the world's oldest profession; numbers of very friendly young ladies sitting around the bar or standing in doorways to tempt in passers-by are easily recognized. Those wishing to avail themselves of such diversions are encouraged to exercise extreme caution, not overdo the drinking, ask the cost of...

    Coffee Shops and Book Bars

    1. The Bookworm, ShiQuan St (near The Shamrock), [x]. Good coffee and food. Free wireless Internet. Good selection of English books to read in the shop or to borrow if you get a membership. A very nice alternative to relaxing at a bar. This place has become a major focal point for the resident expat community. 1. The Minghantang Cafe, Santang St, ☎ +86 512-65833331/655565221, [x]. In an old traditional house that is more than 400 years old. Good coffee and food. Free wireless Internet. 1. Sol...

    Suzhou Joya Youth Hostel, 21-1 Daxingial Lane, Pingjiang District, Suzhou, China (On a tiny alley paralleling a small river off of the main Pingjiang street/river. You wouldn't think there'd be a h...

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. › wiki › SuzhouSuzhou — Wikipédia

    Suzhou (chinois simplifié : 苏州市 ; chinois traditionnel : 蘇州市 ; pinyin : sūzhōu shì ; en langue locale - Wu selon la Méthode phonétique latine de Shanghaïen : Sutzoe), parfois également orthographié Su-Zhou, Su-Chou, Soutcheou ou Soo-Chow, est une ville du sud de la province du Jiangsu, dans l'est de la Chine.

  8. The Classical Gardens of Suzhou (Chinese: 苏州园林; pinyin: Sūzhōu yuánlín; Suzhounese (Wugniu): sou1-tseu1 yoe2-lin2) are a group of gardens in the city of Suzhou, in Jiangsu, China, which have been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.