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  1. The Hammond organ is an electric organ invented by Laurens Hammond and John M. Hanert [6] and first manufactured in 1935. [7] . Multiple models have been produced, most of which use sliding drawbars to vary sounds.

  2. El órgano Hammond es un instrumento musical basado en los principios del electromagnetismo y de la amplificación a través de altavoces individuales, creado por el inventor estadounidense Laurens Hammond (1895-1973) y cuya producción va desde 1935 hasta 1978.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. The Hammond organ is an electric organ, invented by Laurens Hammond and John M. Hanert and first manufactured in 1935. Various models were produced, which originally used tonewheels to generate sound via additive synthesis , where component waveform ratios are mixed by sliding switches called drawbars and imitate the pipe organ's ...

    Model Name / Number
    Years Produced
    1935–1938 [5]
    The first Hammond in production. Two ...
    1936–1938 [5] /1942 [6]
    After the introduction of Model B-C in ...
    1936–1942 [7]
    The first organ produced in the deeper ...
    1938 [8]
    Model B-C style organ with built-in ...
  5. Un órgano Hammond é un instrumento musical baseado nos principios do electromagnetismo e da amplificación a través de altofalantes individuais, creado polo inventor estadounidense Laurens Hammond (1895-1973) e a súa produción vai desde 1935 ata 1978.

  6. By using the drawbars, the organist can combine a variety of electrical tones and harmonics in varying proportions, thus giving the Hammond vast registration. In all, the Hammond is capable of producing more than 250 million tones.

  7. Though originally produced to replace organs in the church, the Hammond organ, especially the model B-3, became popular in jazz, particularly soul jazz, and in gospel music. Since these were the roots of rock and roll, the Hammond organ became a part of the