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  1. The Confraternities of the Cord are pious associations in the Roman Catholic Church whose members wear a cord, girdle, or cincture in honour of a saint whom they wish to honour and to bear in mind some special grace or favour which they hope to obtain

  2. › zh › Confraternities_of_the_Cord绳子的兄弟会

    Cord 兄弟会 是基督教信徒的虔诚协会,其成员 佩戴绳索 、 腰带 或 腰带 以纪念圣人,以记住他们希望通过他/她的代祷获得的特殊恩典或恩惠。 [1] 在早期的教会中,处女佩戴胸饰作为纯洁的标志和象征,因此它一直被认为是贞洁以及屈辱和谦卑的象征。 为纪念圣人而佩戴绳索或腰带的起源非常古老,我们在 圣莫妮卡 的生平中首次提及它 。 在中世纪,信徒们也佩戴头饰来纪念圣徒,尽管没有正式成立的兄弟会,并且在 整个法国都普遍 佩戴纪念 圣迈克尔 的头饰 。 后来,教会权威制定了特殊的祝福方式,以纪念 最宝贵的血液 、圣母、 保拉 的 圣方济各 和 圣菲洛梅娜 。 [2] 兄弟会起源于中世纪早期,并从十二世纪末随着伟大的教会秩序的兴起而迅速发展。 这些社团的主要目标和职责首先是虔诚的实践和慈善事业。

  3. 聖方濟各·沙雷氏 (法語: François de Sales , 聖公會 譯作 聖法蘭西斯·沙里士 ;1567年8月21日—1622年12月28日), 最小兄弟会 (英语:Minim (religious order)) 及 聖方濟聖索善會 (英语:Confraternities of the Cord) 会士,是 聖母往見會 (英语:Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary) 會祖,曾任 日內瓦教區 主教。 他以深厚的信德和温和处理 宗教改革 产生的分裂的方式而闻名于世。

  4. Cord, CONFRATERNITIES OF THE, PIOUS associations of the faithful, the members of which wear a cord or cincture in honor of a

  5. Archconfraternity of the Cord of St. Joseph. The miraculous cure of an Augustinian nun at Antwerp in 1657 from a grievous illness, through the wearing of a cord in honour of St. Joseph gave rise to the pious practice of wearing it to obtain the grace of purity through his intercession. The devotion soon spread over many countries of Europe, and ...

  6. Catholic Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Volume. Free World Class Education. FREE Catholic Classes. Pious associations of the faithful, the members of which wear a cord or cincture in honour of a saint, to keep in mind some special grace or favour which they hope to obtain through his intercession.

  7. Confraternities of the Cord. From the Catholic Encyclopedia. Pious associations of the faithful, the members of which wear a cord or cincture in honour of a saint, to keep in mind some special grace or favour which they hope to obtain through his intercession. Among Oriental peoples, and especially among the Jews, whose priests and prophets ...