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  1. 英文口說教材 】Top10 英文口說練習題目總整理 - 25hoon. Topic Conversation. 知道要回答什麼,但是卻無法用英文表達?在學校的時期許多老師都會教學生背單字、背文法,要開口說英文常常都只有在念課文或是作業時偶爾會用到,長久來說只會養成照本宣科,沒有稿子就會怕,這樣只會讓自己回答的內容僵滯化之外,也會越來越難開口說英文喔! Unit 01. Nice to meet you 很高興認識你. Beginner. Unit 02. What's your name? 你的大名? Beginner. Unit 03. What is your hobby? 你的興趣是什麼? Beginner. Unit 04. Are you okay? 你還好嗎?

    • 美食生活對話。My dear, what’s for supper?親愛的,晚飯做什麼吃?Red cooked carp and rape with fresh mushrooms.
    • 日常生活對話。Hi Anna, come in.你好!安娜,請進!Wow, your apartment is a mess.哇!你的公寓真亂。I know, I didn’t have time to put things away before you got here.
    • 租房生活對話。May I come in?我可以進來嗎?Wow, your apartment is a mess.哇!你的公寓真亂。I know, I didn’t have time to put things away before you got here.
    • 買房生活對話。Have you moved into your new house yet, Michael?米歇爾,你搬進新房了嗎?We just moved in yesterday, actually.
    • 第2題:整合口說
    • 第3題:整合口說
    • 第4題:整合口說

    例題: 1. 先閱讀(45秒) Letter in the Centerville College News The administration has plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The university’s poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this past year. Surely then it is no financial position to purchase such an expensive ...

    例題: 1. 先閱讀(45秒) Groupthink One process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is known as groupthink. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked...

    例題: 1. 先聽音檔(約60-120秒) Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class. Female Professor: Many animals live underground, in the soil. Not just little animals like worms but also bigger animals like mammals. Living underground has its advantages. It protects animals from above ground predators. However, the underground environment also presents challe...

  2. 2023年10月30日 · 今天要一次公開托福口說題目100題是出自過去托福官方ETS公開的真題以及克雷英文托福課同學考後整理出來的熱騰騰真題! 底下有100道托福口說第一題考古題+口說示範錄音檔+逐字稿,讓你可以一次拿到!

  3. 口說考試將評估您的英語口語能力。 考試歷時 11 至 14 分鐘,您將會與雅思考官討論不同類型的主題。 您將被安排在一間安靜的房間與考官進行口說考試,期間考官會鼓勵您不斷發言。

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  5. 2019年10月13日 · AmazingTalkerLineFacebook聊天室提供免費語音對話、翻譯、文字模糊、建議回覆等提示功能,引導你高效學習英文口說。 立即對話AI家教,提升英文口說能力 多學習新的詞彙

  6. 2024年5月17日 · 下面為您整理練習英文口說的5個要點,幫助您提高語言能力:. 錄下自己的口說練習:錄下自己的口說練習是很有用的練習方式,您可以評估自己的發音、語調和口說流利度,同時,您還可以聆聽自己練習的內容,找出問題並加以改進。. 多與人交談:與其他人 ...

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