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  1. Candice Bergen accidentally calls Gilda Radner "Fern", which is actually Candice's character name. This blooper leads to a much funnier interpretation of the sketch's original

  2. December 17, 1988. Info... When Jan Hooks drops the chapstick, it doesn't actually fall through the sewer grate as it's supposed to. When A. Whitney Brown enters, he quickly brushes it onto the grate so it falls through.

  3. Musical Performance "Too Much, Too Young"

  4. Billy Crystal breaks character as Howard Cosell kisses him on the shoulder. Billy ad-libs "That's more tongue than's on some of the plates!"

  5. Film Pango, Giant Dog Of Tokyo!

  6. Elliott Gould ... witness Dan Aykroyd ... Spirit of Blended Scotch Whiskey John Belushi ... Spirit of Christmas Gin Jane Curtin ... triangle player Howard Johnson ... tuba player Tom Malone ... tuba player Garrett Morris ... Spirit of Whiskey Laraine Newman

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