Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. › tmp › amis320-359

    你提的是什麼. 東西. Tatoyen ko kamay ak。 - Hold my hand. 擅住我的手. Caay k。 tatatoyen ko matiniay - You shouldn’t hold something like that. 這種東西是不能提的. Mapatatoy kako tonini a codad. 一 This book was put in my. hand. 這本書放置在我手 中. tawa - generic for laugh with positive and negative meanings 笑的. 總稱 , 含有肯定與否定的意義. M ataw a kako a mitgil to sowal nira.

  2. { "一" : [ "ㄧ" ], "丁" : [ "ㄉㄧㄥ", "ㄓㄥ" ], "七" : [ "ㄑㄧ" ], "丈" : [ "ㄓㄤˋ" ], "三" : [ "ㄙㄢ", "ㄙㄚ", "ㄙㄢˋ" ], "上" : [ "ㄕㄤˋ ...

  3. › tmp › amis170-199

    Ida’ (是?恥.A Ida' I rda 『 s leep very s oundly and deeply 沈睡,熟睡Idef I ' def. to cover * permeate * s pread over an area 游漫,滲透,普及,遍佈,充分 Maldef no nan。m ko omah niyam. 一Our fields were filled withwater. 我們的水田游漫了 水,我們的回被

  4. OTTO CFF ハy慊 l マ1マiマィマ5ホmウ7 ーーイエク・・・・・ィェカクコセタタツシk u cfd・UZO・vVX・YW~Tz}R|{SwyxQ・・GI・JH・ K・・A>t?・r B9・& -/=12p56 ';・) シ ケ・ E^^oイイ@キキD・・k・・ ・・ ・・ ・・ ・・u ...

  5. › tmp › amis110-139

    haki- -a grammatical prefix indicating a starting point 即從之意haki-Hakianini kita a mal awidag. - We will start now b ei'ng-friends. 就從現在即成朋友 hakini -verbal question matk * indicates that the speaker is askinghimself not someone else 曰頭主的疑問句,是

    • 吳函峮 ig1
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    • 吳函峮 ig5
  6. › tmp › amis260-289

    sa’osl/ ’ osl. 多,q_a ft·→1月兒?可,Sa'。poen ko nialaan namo a fotig. 一G ather toget her the fish you caught 把 你們提來的 魚集中在一起sa'osi/’osi . 1. reckoned * included 計算, 包括 2. to count 計 算 3. · to read 讀或念Pina ko sa ' osi? , - W hat is the count?- W hat is the count?

  7. › tmp › amis200-229

    natawran ceased to exist 以為,怎麼,文法上的助詞,指已不存在的想法 0 widag ako cigra na $a k。harateg ako. 一I had thought he was my friend ...