Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 【口】常去某處; 居住 Where does he hang out these days? 他這些日子裡都在什麼地方來著?
    • 2. 掛出; 伸出 They hung out the flags. 他們掛出了旗幟。

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  2. B1. to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone. 經常出入(某場所);(與某人)廝混. You still hang out at the pool hall? 你仍然經常出沒於桌球場嗎? I've been hanging out backstage with the band. 我常在後臺與樂隊混在一起。 减少例句. They spent the whole day hanging out by the pool. I don't know why he hangs out with James, they've got nothing in common.

    • 正體中文

      HANG ON翻譯:等待, 稍等一會兒, 緊握, 緊握,抓住, 把(尤 ...

  3. 2019年4月11日 · 搭配 「hang out」 的意思是 「沒有特定目的地一起待著」,其後可接 「someone」 或 「somewhere」 表示 「和某人一起玩 hang out with someone」、「去某處玩 hang out somewhere」。 例如: I’m hanging out with friends tonight. 今晚我要和朋友們一起玩。

  4. 片語動詞. 出去玩, 消磨時間. "hang out" 例句. We spent a few hours hanging out at the cafe. 我們花了幾小時待在咖啡廳消磨時間。 Would you like to hang out at my place? 你想要來我的住處消磨時間嗎? She likes hanging out with friends and going to the movies. 她喜歡跟朋友出去閒晃和看電影。 A lot of teenagers like to hang out at the mall. 很多年輕人在商城裡閒晃。 She is hanging out with a couple of friends.

  5. to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone. 经常出入(某场所);(与某人)厮混. You still hang out at the pool hall? 你仍然经常出没于台球厅吗? I've been hanging out backstage with the band. 我常在后台与乐队混在一起。 减少例句. They spent the whole day hanging out by the pool. I don't know why he hangs out with James, they've got nothing in common.

  6. 1.逗留. Starbucks has become the place millions of people hang out, read, listen to music, take off their shoes and hop online. 星巴克已經變成數百萬民眾逗留、看書、聽音樂、脫鞋子和上網的地方。 Employees caught hanging out at the office after work would receive a fine of NT$10,000. 下班後在公司逗留的員工被抓到的話,將處一萬元新台幣罰金。 She avoids hanging out in her complex now. 她現在避免在自己的住處逗留。 2.閒晃.

  7. 2015年9月9日 · 「Hang out」超級普遍的英文俚語,在用英語對話中常會出現「Where do you hang out?」還有「I don’t feel like hanging out tonight」的句子。 「Hang out」最酷的一點,就是可以把它想像為「把自己拿到外面晾一下」,就像衣服可以「Hang it out to dry

  8. hang out in British English. 动词 (adverb) 1. to suspend, be suspended, or lean, esp from an opening, as for display or airing. to hang out the washing. 2. (intransitive) informal. to live at or frequent a place. the police know where the thieves hang out. 3. (intransitive; foll by with) informal.

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