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  1. 2020. Return tothesimple.休憩為得是實踐更多的自己,回歸簡單自然生活本質。. 「LA VIDA」源自西班牙文,具有「樂在生活」意涵。. LA VIDA HOTEL位於台中市中心精華地段,漫步三分鐘即達台中知名的逢甲商圈。. 鬧中取靜的享受,結合北歐簡約原木空間設計,供您自在 ...

  2. VIVA Events Space. VIVA 活動空間. 本飯店地下一樓為Viva 西餐廳,在未營業的時段可提供包場服務。. 約200坪的寬闊場地可容納30至100人,適合舉辦休閒會議、尾牙春酒、慶生宴會、結婚宴請、派對等各種形式的活動。. 場地可依不同的活動類型進行適度調整與規劃,亦 ...

  3. 優惠活動-最新消息-豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel

    • 一周氣象預報降雨機率高雄1
    • 一周氣象預報降雨機率高雄2
    • 一周氣象預報降雨機率高雄3
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  4. 詳細介紹. 豐邑逢甲商旅 La Vida Hotel位於台中市西屯區,就在逢甲商圈鬧區內,距離逢甲夜市僅短短3分鐘步行路程;好評推薦,逢甲住宿第一首選!. 全新北歐精緻風格,給你台中飯店住宿的多重選擇;豐邑逢甲商旅榮獲多次最佳飯店、商旅獎項,是台中住宿的 ...

  5. › en › roomRooms-La Vida Hotel

    The Northern European style wood, New York style iron art crafts, and Spanish style premium stone materials are combined to show a low-profile but elegant texture. Travelers are the most splendid main characters in the space. Scroll down. Rooms-La Vida Hotel.

    • 一周氣象預報降雨機率高雄1
    • 一周氣象預報降雨機率高雄2
    • 一周氣象預報降雨機率高雄3
    • 一周氣象預報降雨機率高雄4
  6. "VIVA" provides our guests with an elegant and stylish dining environment. Each meal is made freshly every day. The guests could appreciate our chiefs' passion for cooking through their on-site demonstration. Diverse food choices for breakfast in Chinese ...

  7. › en › aboutAbout Us-La Vida Hotel

    Return tothesimple.Relax for Self-Achievement in the Future; Return to the Essence of Simple Life.La Vida Hotel is located in Taichung's Xitun District, a short 3-minute walk from Feng Chia Night Market.The Northern European style wood, New York style iron art crafts, and Spanish style premium stone materials are combined to show a low-profile but elegant texture.La Vida means "happiness in ...