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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. challenger

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  2. competitor. contender. rival. (challenger在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) challenger的 例句. As a result, the incumbent must spend more resources in order to match the challenger's offer. 來自 Cambridge English Corpus.

  3. 例句與用法. The champion and the challenger meet next week . 下星期冠軍將迎戰 挑戰者 。. Challenger broke free, lumbered past the launch tower . “ 挑戰者 ”號突然騰起,笨拙地沿著發射塔上升。. A titanic explosion consumed challenger and its crew of seven . 巨大的爆炸毀滅了“ 挑戰者 ”號和它 ...

  4. challenge noun (INVITATION) [ C ] an invitation to compete or take part, especially in a game or argument. (尤指比賽或辯論)挑戰(書),邀請. "I bet you can't eat all that food on your plate ." "Is that a challenge?" 「我敢打賭你吃不完自己盤裡的食物。 」「這是在挑戰我嗎? [ + to infinitive ] She issued a challenge to her rival candidates to take part in a public debate.

  5. 《挑戰者》(英語: Challengers是一部2024年上映的美國浪漫 運動 劇情片,由盧卡·格達戈尼諾執導,千黛亞、喬許·歐康納和麥克·費斯主演。 電影以 網球 講述兩男一女的錯綜關係。

  6. Many translated example sentences containing "挑戰者" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  7. 其他人也問了

  8. 挑戰者】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:Highlander[電影]挑戰者;challenger挑戰者; 奪標;defier挑戰者,對抗;。 漢英詞典提供【挑戰者】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  9. 英漢例句. the challenger needs therefore to switch states 「worth」 97 votes to his (or her) column—a total that falls to 91 once you take into account the census which has helped the republicans. 因此挑戰者需要讓擁有97張選舉票的州份轉而支持共和黨陣營—一旦把已經對共和黨人有所幫助的統計結果 ...