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  1. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (Multiplex PCR) refers to the use of polymerase chain reaction to amplify several different DNA sequences simultaneously (as if performing many separate PCR reactions all together in one reaction). This process amplifies DNA in samples using multiple primers and a temperature-mediated DNA polymerase in a thermal cycler.

  2. WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu 仙女座36,又名BD+22 146,HD 5286、SAO 74359、HR 258,是仙女座的一颗恒星 [1] [2],视星等为5.47,位于銀經123.97,銀緯-39.24,其B1900.0坐标为赤經0 h 49 m 36.6 s,赤緯+23 -39.24′ 13″。 ...

  3. 施巴斯坦甘馬拉(Sebastián Gamarra,1997年1月15日 —),玻利維亞的職業足球運動員,司職中場,現效力於意大利足球甲級聯賽 AC米蘭。 2010年曾協助布雷西亞取得哥德堡盃。 [1] 國家隊生涯 [编辑] 甘馬拉於2015年美洲國家盃被徵召入玻利維亞國家足球隊。 [2] 首次代表國家隊在2015年6月6日,友誼賽對戰 ...

  4. › zh › 二甲基汞Wikizero - 二甲基汞

    93-94 C(366-367 K) 溶解性(水) 难溶 [1] 折光度n D 1.543 [2] 危险性 欧盟危险性符号 剧毒 T+ 危害环境N [2] 警示术语 R:R26/27/28, R33, R50/53 安全术语 S: ...

  5. WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu 诺基亚770网络终端

  6. WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu Conte (pronounced ) is a literary genre of tales, often short, characterized by fantasy or wit. They were popular in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries until the genre became merged with the short story in the nineteenth century. in the nineteenth century.

  7. History [] The chorus group named Ko Spellers (子スペラーズ) was formed in 2001 with the members Nagi, Mi-Mi and Meg. These members of the group were childhood friends from elementary school. In 2003, they decided to expand the group into a 4-member