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  1. 2019年4月30日 · 鋼鐵人在《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰最後搶走了薩諾斯手中的6顆無限寶石並且彈了手指使得薩諾斯以及其帶來的大軍全部消失而他因爲無法承受無限寶石的力量而死對此一些無法接受的網友列出3個BUG其一為難道沒有可以承受力量的英雄做這件事嗎? 其二為難道不能用時間寶石回去救活他嗎? 其三為難道不能砍斷薩諾斯的手嗎? 掀起不少網友熱議。...

  2. 2019年4月29日 · 《復仇者聯盟4》作為漫威電影宇宙第22部作品將過去11年累積的力量一次爆果然在全球獲得大成功上映五天已在全球飆破371億票房並創下全球最高首週末票房」、「全球3D開片票房等共25項紀錄更被看好衝上票房影史前三名的位置是說如果你也是已經看完電影的觀眾應該會有一些疑問例如為什麼美國隊長可以舉起索爾的錘子?...

  3. 2020年6月16日 · 《阿凡達》無人能及的票房紀錄被打破! 電影票房27.97億,寫下電影歷史新的一頁。 這部完成看似不可能的任務的終極史詩就是我們今天要講的電影,《復仇者聯盟》。 《復仇者眠盟是漫威電影宇宙的一系列作品。 電影最大的特色就是融合其他同樣為漫威電影,用同樣的世界觀、元素、角色創造 跨界 的理念。 你可以看到鋼鐵人、雷神索爾、綠巨人、奇異博士、黑寡婦……幾乎所有漫威英雄同台。 從預告片放出後,就倍受包含我在內的影迷們期待。 在多數人認之中,這是第一部集結超級英雄的電影。 2012 年《復仇者聯盟》上映,開畫第一天取得8050萬的成績,著實驚人。 這個成績只次於《哈利波特:死神的聖物2》;而開周締造的2億美元,更成為史上第一部突破2億美元的電影。 這個成績到底是什麼樣的概念? 就這麼說吧!

  4. 復仇者聯盟2:奧創紀元在復仇者聯盟大樓的派對裡爭辯是否有資格Being Worthy)」的眾復仇者英雄們輪番上陣嘗試拿起雷神之鎚Mjolnir),當時只有美國隊長史蒂夫似乎稍微移動了一點點索爾表情也瞬間流露驚恐

    • 概觀
    • 历史
    • Relationships
    • Trivia
    • References

    ―Tony Stark to Loki

    The Avengers are a team of extraordinary individuals, either with superpowers or other special characteristics. Its purpose is to protect world stability from inner or extraterrestrial threats, and to work with the peaceful interests of the whole world rather than a specific country or organization. The Avengers were first assembled by S.H.I.E.L.D. when Loki invaded Earth with his Chitauri army to conquer the planet. The team defeated him and went to their separate ways.

    After S.H.I.E.L.D. became a defunct agency, Stark Industries remodeled Stark Tower into Avengers Tower and the team joined the fight against HYDRA. After they finished the war, Tony Stark built Ultron hoping that the AI would be able to defend the world from any threats necessary. The plan backfired and Ultron started a war against humanity, ending with Ultron's defeat. When Ultron was defeated, the team gained new recruits and relocated to the New Avengers Facility.

    Under Captain America's leadership, the team successfully completed several operations until the amount of collateral damage caused during their conflicts caused the United Nations to pass the Sokovia Accords in an attempt to regulate their actions. The differences in opinions created a rift within the organization which split the Avengers into two factions, led by Iron Man and Captain America. After Captain America stopped Helmut Zemo, the instigator of their fight, the team officially disbanded; but a small group consisting of Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon continued to operate in the shadows.

    Chitauri Invasion
    Later Exploits
    ―Fury tells his advisers the Avengers earned a break Following the conclusion of the war and capture of Loki, the team split up to finish their own individual pursuits. Captain America and Black Widow continued to work with S.H.I.E.L.D., often working with STRIKE to neutralize threats. Thor returned to Asgard, delivering Loki into the hands of Asgardian justice. The return of the Tesseract allowed the Asgardians to repair the Bifrost Bridge, after which Thor and his allies began to battle the bands of Marauders that had sprung up across the Nine Realms. Suffering from trauma after his near-death experience, Tony Stark focused on developing an Iron Legion for the purpose of countering future threats. Despite now being familiar with one another, the Avengers continued to deal with threats individually. After his friend and former bodyguard Happy Hogan was nearly killed in an apparent terrorist attack, Stark issued a public challenge to the Mandarin, a shadowy figure claiming responsibility for the bombings. This rash action led to a chain of events that resulted in Iron Man successfully unraveling the conspiracy of Aldrich Killian, the head of A.I.M. who intended to use Extremis to create an army of super-soldiers and control both sides of the war on terror. Cut off from most of his allies, Stark nonetheless was able to defeat the false Mandarin with the assistance of James Rhodes and Pepper Potts. Meanwhile, the onset of the Convergence awoke both the Infinity Stone known as the Aether and the Dark Elves who coveted its power for the purpose of annihilating the Nine Realms. After his love interest Jane Foster unwillingly became the Aether's host, Thor traveled to Earth and sheltered her on Asgard. The subsequent Dark Elf attack led to the death of Frigga and the dismantling of Asgard's defenses, leading Thor to reluctantly recruit Loki's aid and escape to the Dark Elf homeworld, Svartalfheim, planning to lay a trap for the Dark Elves. Though Loki did not immediately betray his brother, their plan went awry, resulting in Loki's apparent death and Malekith, the Dark Elf leader, escaping with the Aether. Returning to Earth, Thor was unable to gain S.H.I.E.L.D.'s assistance in time. The Dark Elves came perilously close to succeeding in their goal but were eventually thwarted by Thor, Foster, and her colleagues. The war led Thor to renounce the throne of Asgard, but unbeknownst to him allowed Loki to secretly take Odin's place and gain control of Asgard, leaving the AllFather's fate unknown.
    Targeted by HYDRA
    Still working for S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve Rogers was informed of the organization's latest initiative, Project Insight, a program designed to target potential threats before they struck. Rogers had deep misgivings about Insight, which only grew after witnessing Nick Fury's apparent assassination at the hands of the Winter Soldier. Fury's last actions before his seeming death were to warn the Captain that S.H.I.E.L.D. was compromised and give him the data recovered from the Lemurian Star. Rogers refused to tell all he knew to Alexander Pierce, prompting the organization to declare him a fugitive and attempt to hunt him down. Rogers eluded his pursuers and met up with Black Widow, and together the duo learned a terrifying truth. The preserved consciousness of Arnim Zola informed them that HYDRA had recovered from its defeat during the war and realized that in order to take control, humanity needed to willingly give up its freedom. To this end, the organization had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. at its founding, using their influence to spread chaos across the globe. By the present day, HYDRA had grown large enough to gain nearly complete control of S.H.I.E.L.D., and now stood to use Project Insight to complete their master plan. Rogers managed to uncover Insight's true purpose: the elimination of over twenty million individuals that posed a threat to HYDRA's control. Nearly all of the Avengers were primary targets, including Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, who remained unaware of the imminent threat. Fortunately, Captain America, Black Widow, and their allies were able to narrowly prevent Insight's activation, taking down the thoroughly corrupted S.H.I.E.L.D. in the process. Following the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., Stark recruited Maria Hill into his company, shielding her from legal persecution. Stark Industries began working to privatize global security and fill the void left by the organization's collapse.


    •Nick Fury † •Maria Hill † •Helen Cho •Erik Selvig •J.A.R.V.I.S. •Laura Barton •Cameron Klein •S.H.I.E.L.D. •Phil Coulson •Jasper Sitwell † (formerly) •Stark Industries •Happy Hogan •Pepper Potts •Joint Counter Terrorist Centre (Iron Man's Team during Civil War) •Everett Ross •Sharon Carter (Captain America's Team during Civil War) •Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier/White Wolf † •Wakanda •Golden Tribe •T'Challa/Black Panther † •Shuri •Dora Milaje •Okoye •Ayo •Jabari Tribe •M'Baku •Border Tribe •Scott Lang/Ant-Man (Captain America's Team during Civil War) •Masters of the Mystic Arts •Stephen Strange † •Wong •Guardians of the Galaxy •Peter Quill/Star-Lord † •Gamora † •Drax the Destroyer † •Rocket Raccoon •Groot † •Mantis † •Nebula


    •Thanos •Black Order † •Ebony Maw † •Cull Obsidian † •Proxima Midnight † •Corvus Glaive † •Loki † •Chitauri •Leviathans •Outriders •Brock Rumlow/Crossbones † •HYDRA •Wolfgang von Strucker † •List † •Jensen •Ultimo † •Ultron † •Ultron Sentries † •Ulysses Klaue † •Helmut Zemo •Thaddeus Ross

    •The formation of the Avengers at the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. as portrayed in The Avengers follows the same premise as The Ultimates, a modern re-imagining of the Avengers within the comic book universe.

    •Despite not being an official member of the Avengers team, Agent Phil Coulson was regarded as a fallen Avenger by Nick Fury.

    •With the exception of Black Widow and Hawkeye, the order in which the Avengers are introduced in the series follows the original founding lineup portrayed in the comics, although both of them become members later in different lineups.

    •Hank Pym/Ant-Man and Janet van Dyne/Wasp were founding members of the Avengers in the comics, with van Dyne actually giving this name to the team.


    1.Iron Man Post-credits Scene

    4.The Avengers Post-credits Scene


  5. 其他人也問了

  6. 2023年11月7日 · 復仇者聯盟》(英語: The Avengers)[2][7]是一部於2012年上映的美國超級英雄電影,改編自漫威漫畫旗下的同名超級英雄團隊復仇者聯盟,本片由喬斯·溫登執導[8],由漫威影業與派拉蒙影業共同製作,並由華特迪士尼工作室電影發行。本片是漫威漫畫改編的 ...

  7. 2012年5月9日 · 班納是個缺乏自信對自己可能造成他人傷害一事身負巨大恐懼的人". "班納不希望自己的能力被用在戰爭或是軍事用途上". 這樣的強烈性格班納博士在復仇者聯盟一片中不但沒有因為自己漸漸可以控制浩克能力的關係有所改善甚至是有日漸加劇的狀況出現然而說到整個隊伍裡面唯一的一個阿斯嘉神族Asgardian),索爾在性情上的表現跟煎熬其實並沒有比劇中的人類同伴們來的超然跟不凡反之因為自己的胞弟是試圖毀滅人間界的罪魁禍首跟自己和洛基的歷史恩怨索爾在面對這次災難的態度跟方式上甚至有呈現不成熟與過於任性跟驕傲的時候。 北歐雷電之神:Thor.