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  1. 藻類植物成薄膜狀地覆蓋著池塘 [池塘上覆蓋著一層薄膜狀的藻類植物] ⑵ 拍攝 ⑶ ‘電影’把 <小說等> 拍成電影 They have filmed most of Shakespeare's plays. 他們已經把莎士比亞大部分的戲劇拍成電影 《不及物動詞》 ⑴ ⓐ 被覆以薄皮; 起一層薄膜; 變模糊,變朦朧 < over > The scene filmed over .

  2. crim.i.nal [`krImәnl, `krImnl; ˋkriminl] 《crime 的形容詞》《形容詞》 (more criminal; most criminal) ⑴ (無比較級、最高級)犯罪的; 刑事上的 a criminal case 刑事案件 [訴訟] a criminal court 刑事法庭 a criminal offense 刑事犯 criminal law 刑法 criminal a a

  3. cinema \cinema\ n . 1. the art of creating motion pictures; as, this story would be good cinema; -- often used in the phrase { the cinema }. Syn: the film . [ WordNet 1. 5 + PJC ] 2. a theater where motion pictures are shown . Syn: movie theater, movie theatre, movie house, picture palace .

  4. detective n 1: a police officer who investigates crimes [ syn: { detective }, { investigator }, { tec }, { police detective }] 2: an investigator engaged or employed in obtaining information not easily available to the public 來源(8): Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thesaurus]

  5. *['krimzәn] n. 深紅色 a. 深紅色的 vt. (使)變為深紅色, 臉紅 vi. (使)變為深紅色, 臉紅 【建】 緋紅

  6. A picture, illustration, or depiction in words, esp. one of a small or dainty kind . [ Webster 1913 Suppl .] 來源(6): WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn] vignette n 1: a brief literary description [ syn: { sketch }, { vignette }] 2: a photograph whose edges shade off gradually 3: a small illustrative sketch ( as sometimes placed at the beginning of ...

  7. 羅馬人在木材、金屬、象牙等的薄片上塗臘後在上面寫字. 這些板子串在一起便成簿冊b. (簿冊型的) 唱片套 ⑵ 成套的 LP 唱片,名曲選集 a double album 兩張一的 LP 唱片 來源(3): 懶蟲英漢詞典 [lazyworm-ec] ['ælbәm] n. 集郵本, 照相簿, 簽名紀念冊 來源(4