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  1. 奇亞籽Chia seeds),又稱奇異籽,在近20年來成為養身食品界的新寵,它曾經是千年前南美阿茲特克(Aztecs)士兵在戰鬥和遠征中攜帶的食物,是一種潛藏著力量和能量的種子. 隨著研究的深入,奇亞籽已成為植物營養保健品,並因其均衡的蛋白質、纖維、Omega-3 多不飽和脂肪酸、維生素、礦物質和抗氧化劑…等營養成分而受到關注. 另外,奇亞籽可以吸收大量水分,立即形成一種透明凝膠,被稱為 “奇亞粘液”(可達15倍的種子重量)以及高纖維的特性,能在腸胃中減緩澱粉轉換成糖的速度,被視為減肥聖品. 在實證醫學中,奇亞籽有功效嗎? 有副作用或禁忌嗎? 詳見內文分析. 奇亞籽的7種吃法-怎麼吃最聰明. 奇亞籽黑白有差別嗎? 奇亞籽是什麼? 奇亞籽的營養組成? 奇亞籽/奇異子有那些被科學驗證的功效?

  2. 2018年1月3日 · 奇亞籽Chia seed),也有人稱為奇異籽或歐鼠尾草籽,是一種叫芡歐鼠尾草的植物種子。 根據歷史紀錄,最早種植芡歐鼠尾草的是墨西哥中部的阿茲特克人,他們把奇亞籽當作和玉米一樣的主食。 事實上,奇亞籽的名字「奇亞」來源,就是阿茲特克人說的馬雅語,意思是力量,也就是提供力量的種子。 阿茲特克人的觀念並沒有錯。 奇亞籽內含豐富的ω-3脂肪酸、omega 3和維生素B、核黃素、葉酸、硫胺和煙酸,此外也含有許多人體必需的微量元素,如鈣、鎂、鐵、鋅、錳等,可以一次補充許多人體需要的養分,提供正常新陳代謝所需的能量 。 也難怪阿茲特克人吃了之後,會覺得力量大增。 天然的奇亞籽是一個直徑約1mm的橢圓形種子,顏色為棕黑色,外觀看起來有點像淡色的罌粟籽。

  3. › nutrition › 11-proven-health-benefits-of-chia-seedsChia Seeds: 7 Health Benefits

    2023年12月7日 · A staple in the ancient Aztec and Maya diets, these seeds have been touted for their health benefits for centuries. The nutrients in chia seeds may promote heart health, support strong bones,...

  4. 奇亞籽(chia seeds)可以減肥嗎營養師告訴你吃奇亞籽的13個好處以及食用禁忌吃錯了不僅對健康沒有益處還有可能會造成傷害喔

  5. 2024年2月21日 · Packed with fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, tiny chia seeds pack a nutritional punch. From adding them to prepared dishes or as a topping on oatmeal, cereals, or smoothies, you can easily incorporate chia seeds into many foods to give them a nutritious boost.

  6. 2023年5月11日 · Benefits. Downsides. Bottom Line. Chia seeds contain large amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, plenty of protein, and many essential minerals and antioxidants. They may help improve...

  7. 2023年4月25日 · The popularity of chia seeds ( Salvia hispanica) in Western diets has soared over the last several years. The tiny, nutrition-packed “superseeds” are now a staple in many health-conscious ...

  8. 2024年5月31日 · Chia seeds are readily available and easy to add to meals, whether it be cereals, baked goods, smoothies, or as a salad topping. Read on to learn how chia seeds can benefit your health as...

  9. 2023年8月17日 · Overall, are chia seeds good for you? Yes, chia seeds can be considered a healthy choice. They're rich in plant-based protein, impressively high in fibre and contain good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Interestingly, a handful of chia seeds contributes

  10. 2024年3月19日 · Learn how to eat chia seeds, including common problems to avoid when soaking the seeds. Find out how much liquid to use to make the best chia seed pudding and learn other ways to use these healthy seeds.

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