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  1. "禁忌" 英文翻譯: 1.(犯忌諱的話和行動) taboo 屬禁忌之列 under taboo2.(戒) avoid; abstain from 禁忌辛辣油膩 abstain from peppery or greasy food3.[醫學] contraindication; 禁忌詞 taboo term; 禁忌躍遷 forbidden transition; 禁忌癥 [醫學] contraindication

  2. 當然你也可以通過吃特定蜂蜜成長為 蜂王 使得儲存蜂蜜更快捷。. 血色素在8克以下人群不宜服用 蜂王 漿。. 改服“蜂王胎寶” 。. 懷孕七個月以上孕婦,不宜服用 蜂王 漿。. 改服“蜂王胎寶” 。. 在花期中,新 蜂王 會產下卵,充滿每個新工蜂蜂房 ...

  3. 例句與用法. All red-haired men who are sound in body and mind, and above the age of twenty-one years, are eligible . 凡紅發男性,年滿二十一歲,身體健康,智力健全者即屬 符合條件 。. If none are found , adds the new rule. 如果未找到 符合條件 規則,則添加新規則。. Rows that match the ...

  4. "禁忌的" 日文翻譯: タブー "百無一失" 日文翻譯 : 〈成〉絶対に大丈夫.絶対にまちがいなし. 這件事交給他去辦,百無一失/この件は彼に任せておけば絶対に大丈夫だ.

  5. 配料表:精黃肉、鹽、糖、酒、 五香粉 、味精、鹵水料、乳酸鈣、辣椒紅、山梨酸鉀。. Right chronic angina patients , in addition to their mouths medication , should also pay attention to their daily life , eat spicy food , such as hot peppers , garlic , green onions and ginger , pepper , spices , mustard , wine ...

  6. 例句與用法. I must tell them that the subject is to be tabooed . 我得跟他們說別談這件事。. To the village doctor's wife it was taboo . 這對本鎮醫生太太來說是最忌諱。. Something was said that happened to be taboo with him . 說了什么犯了他忌諱了。. His mind was charged with taboos . 他頭腦里 ...

  7. Be careful not to sign a null and void contract. 小心不要鑒定不 具有法律效力 協議. Once a contract is signed , it has legal effect. 合同一旦簽署即 具有法律效力 。 I just wanna talk to you for one second.

  1. 蜂王乳的禁忌 相關

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