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  1. 2023年12月1日 · Board Game Base Christmas Special discount: Any customers who have spent $3000 in our website before, can buy the following items by their special prices while supplies last. Period: 2023-12-01 to 2023-12-20. Board Game Base 聖誕節特別優惠:. 客戶如曾經在本網站消費 $3000 或以上,均可使用優惠價購買以下之產品 ...

  2. 2021年10月29日 · 7. Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (Retail Edition) $380 --- 價錢增至 $380, 美國十一月十日出街. Its price has been changed to $380 and US release date will be Nov 10th. 8. Bohnanza: 25th Anniversary Edition $160 --- 2022 Q2 發售。. It will release in 2022 Q2. 9. Voidfall KS --- 開始預訂日期: 2022 Q3. Will have preorder ...

  3. 2018年8月14日 · Reef 珊瑚語 (Chinese Edition) | Board Game Base桌遊基地. A BG retailer and distributor in Hong Kong.

  4. Core Worlds 是一隻出名以科幻主題的Deck Building Card Game,Stronghold 剛宣佈將推出新的擴充,名為 Core Worlds: Revolution。

  5. 本公司 Board Game Base 自 2014 以來因着各位顧客和各大 BG 商户的支持,已預訂之 Kickstarter 項目,不知不覺總數已超過 250 個。會繼續努力根據各位之要求加入更多新 KS 項目。 We, Board Game Base, due to the supports from all of our customers and BG ...

  6. Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium - 第一水運港中,全售清。第二 已準備飛港,請盡早下單。 Shipping to HK now, can order. 4. Skyward - 運港中,極少量,可訂。 Shipping to HK now, still have spare copies, can order. 5. Not Alone - 少量運港中 ...

  7. 2014年3月7日 · The designers of Eleminis, the first release from U.S. publisher Smileypop, want us to believe that all the components of the world consist of five elements: earth, air, fire, water and plant.That "plant" one is new to me, and probably you, but let's give it to the