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  1. 完整版名為“Bao la Kiswahili”,分為 2 個遊戲階段和復雜的規則集,也被稱為“Mancala Games 之”。 強烈建議在玩完整版之前徹底閱讀包括示例在內的規則,以了解為什麼可以進行移動以及這些術語的含義。

  2. 用你的瀏覽器玩線上版 Kingdom Builder • Board Game Arena. 《Kingdom Builder》是一款讓每位玩家透過於不同地點放置房屋來建造王國的建設遊戲。 獲得最多黃金的玩家獲勝。 但是,黃金只會在遊戲結束時根據遊戲開始時隨機揭曉的三組規則授予玩家作獎勵。 雖然規則很簡單,但是每場遊戲表現因圖板 (8 個中選擇 4 個) 及計分規則 (10 組中選擇 3 組) 的隨機選擇、運氣及資源競爭而有所不同。 此遊戲於 2012 年榮獲德國年度遊戲獎 (Spiel des Jahres),並於該年德國遊戲大獎 (Deutscher Spiele Preis) 中列為十大最佳遊戲中的第七名。 玩家人數: 2 - 5. 遊戲歷時: 15 mn. 複雜性 2 / 5.

  3. 你想跟你的貓一起捕獲最多的獵物(老鼠、鴿子和蒼蠅),但你的對手會想盡辦法讓你的貓被狗抓住……而你呢? 也一樣! 然後你將獲得湯姆和傑風格的對抗遊戲! 玩家人數: 2 遊戲歷時: 6 mn 複雜性 2 / 5

    • Basic Rules
    • Tiebreaker and First Move Compensation
    • Game Options

    A summary loosely based on "The Rules and Elements of Go" (1977) by James Davies: 1. Black moves first. 2. Black and White alternate placing one stone of their own colour on an empty intersection on the board. 3. A stone or connected group of stones of one colour is captured and removed from the board when stones of the opposite colour occupy all t...

    If players have equal points at end of game, then white wins by +0.5 points. White is sometimes given additional points as komi to compensate for going second (see Komi and handicaps under Game optionsbelow).

    Grid size

    Game board size. Available values are: 9x9 is a shorter game and recommended for beginners.

    Method of counting

    Method for counting the score. Options are: 1. Japanese (territory scoring: each surrounded intersection is worth one point, and each stone captured from an opponent is worth one point) 2. Chinese (area scoring: each surrounded intersection is worth one point, and each stone of your colour remaining on the board at the end of the game is worth one point) If AGA Rules are on (See "AGA Rules" below), no matter which counting method is used, the difference between the two players' scores, and th...

    Komi and handicaps

    Komi are extra points given to White to compensate for Black's first move advantage. An even game for strong players is around 7 komi points on all board sizes. A game may be played with a handicap to compensate for differences in player strengths. On BGA, the administrator of the table plays White, and the other player plays Black. The stronger player in a handicap game should create the table and play White. With "Handicap: 1 stone," Black moves first, and gives only 0.5 compensation points...

  4. 在《印加寶藏》中,玩家將進入傾頹的神殿,並冒著一次比一次更大的風險,試圖找出最多的珠寶。. 每回合翻開一張牌,也許會增加神殿中發現的寶藏或出現危險—玩家能選擇逃跑並保留已獲得的戰利品;或期待增加獲利而留在神殿中,但承受致命危機的風險 ...

  5. 本站所提供的遊戲列表 • Board Game Arena. 作為起步,請選擇最多 5 款已知的桌遊. 列表上所有遊戲都很陌生嗎 ? 別擔心,我們將教你一款 ! 跳過本步驟. 最熱門遊戲. 方舟動物園. 重塑火星. 卡坦島. 展翅翱翔. 花磚物語. 鐵道任務. 卡卡頌. 王國製圖師. 璀璨寶石. 勃根地城堡. 七大奇蹟:對決. 農家樂. 快艇骰子. Forest Shuffle. 阿納克遺跡. 美麗新世界. 誰是牛頭. 鐵道任務:歐洲篇. 花火. Super Mega Lucky Box. 所有遊戲 (按字母排序) 101: the match. 12 Chip Trick. 13 道線索. 15 Days. 24/7: The Game. 3000 Scoundrels. 31. 42.

  6. Barbu(或 Barbuda)是來自法國的四人吃墩紙牌遊戲。. 要避免吃墩,紅心,皇后,當然還有紅心(Barbu),必須贏得比對手少的積分。. 你可能也對類似的紙牌遊戲感興趣:傷心小棧。. 有趣的事實是,“Le barbu”的字面意思是“有鬍子的”(男人),在語音上是 ...

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