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  1. 前十大持股


  2. 例句與用法. Please charge the amount to my account . 請把這筆 金額 記在我的帳上。. The amount of the fine must be specified . 罰款之 金額 必須明文規定。. That amount of money won't be enough , not by a long chalk . 那筆 金額 是差得太遠了。. I save a nice little sum out of my wages each week . 我從每 ...

  3. first [prime, initial] cost生產成本。. at all costs = at any cost 無論如何,不惜任何犧牲。. at cost 照成本。. at sb.'s cost 某人出錢;損及某人。. at the cost of 以…為犧牲,舍…而。. cost and freight 成本加運費〔略作 C.& F.〕。. cost of living 生活費 (用)。. cost of living index ...

  4. Ask (sb.) in 叫 (某人)進來。. Ask … of (sb.)向 (某人)問 [求] ask the reason of him 向他問理由)。. Ask out 〔美國〕辭職,引退。. Be asked in church 請教堂預告結婚 〔cf. banns〕。. If you ask me 你若不見怪,不瞞你說,要說呢就是…。. (How do you like my hat 你喜歡我的帽子嗎?. A ...

  5. 1.結合 (物),結合力,黏合 (劑),聯結。. 2.束縛,羈絆; 〔pl.〕 拘束;鐐,銬。. 3.契約,契約義務,盟約;同盟,聯盟。. 4.證券,公債,債券;借據;證券紙; (付款)保證書;保證人;【商業】海關扣存 (待完稅)。. 5.【化學】鍵;【電學】耦合,固定 ...

  6. 沖銷的英文翻譯,沖銷英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯沖銷,沖銷的英文單字,冲销的英文,冲销 meaning in English,沖銷怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  7. this is your father's handwriting. "金額" 英文翻譯 : [書面語] amount of money; sum of money 金額限制 monetary limitation; 金額轉入新帳戶 balance transferred to new account. "大筆款" 英文翻譯 : heavy money. "大筆錢" 英文翻譯 : a pot of money; heavy sugar; large amount of money; large sum of money. "大筆的 ...

  8. 例句與用法. Product properties refer to an entity . 產品性質則是物體的屬性。. A corporation is treated by the law as an entity . 法人在法律上被視為一個實體。. The fundamental magnetic entities are magnetic dipoles . 基本的磁體是磁偶極子。. Most staple fibers are discrete, individual entities . 大多數 ...

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