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  1. ikea家具特賣清倉 2011 相關

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    指定銀行滿額再享10%回饋,最高5000刷卡金,登記再送阿虎限量購物袋,趕快買來! 618暖慶開跑!單日滿3000送300購物金,每日最高可拿900,天天買天天賺,回饋拿不完!


  1. ccl customs clearance. custom clearance. customs liquidation. customsliquidation. "清" 英文翻譯 : unmixed; clear. "關" 英文翻譯 : close; shut. "清關,清倉" 英文翻譯 : clearance. "清關費" 英文翻譯 : ch clearance charge for agency; cus custom clearance fee. "加快清關" 英文翻譯 : to expedite the clearance.

  2. 例句與用法. Anna took a sharp interest in what he bought, though she was not always pleased . 安娜對他 買回 的東西,雖然并不感到樣樣滿意,但仍然興趣盎然。. Yes , i bought many marble products , such as vases , flower pots , ash trays and bracelets .. 是的,我 買回 了許多大理石制品,象花瓶 ...

  3. 2. (金屬或金屬器具) metals; hardware; alloy. 五金廠 hardware factory; 五金店 hardware store; 五金工人 smith; 五金商 dealer in hardware; ironmonger. "窗五金" 英文翻譯 : window hardware & specialties. "粗五金" 英文翻譯 : rough hardware. "大五金" 英文翻譯 : rough hardware. "廢五金" 英文翻譯 : scrap ...

  4. 庫存狀態的英文翻譯,庫存狀態英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯庫存狀態,庫存狀態的英文單字,库存状态的英文,库存状态 meaning in English,庫存狀態怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  5. "清倉拍賣, 捐贈品義賣" 英文翻譯 : a rummage sale. 例句與用法. A little given seasonably excuses a great gift . 適合時宜的小 贈品 抵得上一件隆重的禮物。 Became the most valuable respecyed gift advertisement. 是親朋好友送禮最佳 贈品 , Where ' s the product toss ? - where ' s the free stuff. -紀念品在哪兒?

  6. 例句與用法. He was persecuted by some silly questions . 他被一些愚蠢的問題所 困擾 。. The problem has been bothering me for weeks . 那問題已經 困擾 了我幾個星期。. The question had been nagging at victory all day . 這個問題整天 困擾 著維克多。. Mark's inconsistent argument deranged us all . 馬克前 ...

  7. 如果你采集到了資源,你可以有二個選擇:你可以在 擺攤 出售它或者你租用一輛手推車將它攜帶到最近的城市或魔法泉,這將會給你較多的sxp 。 更多例句: 1 2. 用"擺攤"造句. 其他語言.

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