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  1. The definitive source for tabletop games. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community.

  2. Agemonia, an enchanted world brimming with magic, is experiencing its greatest upheaval. Earth tremors, tidal surges, electrical storms — the cataclysmic events are increasing and driving the mortal races to the brink of war.

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  3. A spin-off series from GMT Games's COIN series, adapting the core mechanics to model different kinds of historical irregular conflicts beyond counterinsurgencies (source: publisher description).

  4. Tamashii is a cyberpunk adventure board game with a post-apocalyptic vibe. Players will struggle to survive and pursue their agendas in two worlds at the same time - the physical one, filled with deadly machines and merciless human survivors, and the virtual one, prowled by tracking software and vicious viruses.

  5. Incohearent is the adult party game by What Do You Meme that will get you talking! Let the laughs begin as you compete to make sense out of gibberish from one of three categories — kinky, party and pop culture.

  6. It's Spring 1942, and the world is at war. Five major powers struggle for supremacy: Germany and Japan are aligned against the great alliance of the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the United States. Designed for 2–5 players, Axis & Allies: 1942 takes place at the historical high-water mark of Axis expansion.

  7. It’s up to a handful of brave investigators to explore these cursed places and uncover the truth about the living nightmares within. Designed by Corey Konieczka, Mansions of Madness is a macabre game of horror, insanity, and mystery for two to five players.

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