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  1. 00:00. 翻譯解釋. gary的英語 : n. 蓋里〔姓氏,男子名〕。 gary的法語 :加里. 相鄰詞匯. "garwin sanford"怎麽讀 , "garwner"怎麽讀 , "garwolin"怎麽讀 , "garwood"怎麽讀 , "garwoodia"怎麽讀 , "gary ablett"怎麽讀 , "gary albertyn"怎麽讀 , "gary alexander"怎麽讀 , "gary allan"怎麽讀 , gary的發音 ,gary的讀音, gary怎麼讀 , gary怎么读 , gary pronunciation ,發音,例句,用法,同義詞,反義詞由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  2. 當然,也還是有象《華爾街日報》和加里哈特這樣一些死硬派。. The most careful study for the united states was that undertaken by gary hufbauer and michael adler . 加里赫夫鮑爾和邁克爾艾德勒對美國所作的研究最為細致。. The russians announced the shooting down of an american u-2 plane and the ...

  3. He doesn't belong. 他人緣不好。. Your objection doesn't belong to this discussion. 你的反對意見和這場討論沒有關系。. Who belongs to this dictionary 〔俚語〕這本字典是誰的?. They belong to come at seven o'clock. 他們應該在七點鐘來。. "belong in" 中文翻譯 : 應歸入. "belong to" 中文翻譯 ...

  4. "親筆" 英文翻譯: 1.(親筆寫) in one's own handwriting; in one's own hand2.(親筆寫的字) one's own handwriting 這幅對聯父親的親筆。 this antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting.;

  5. 例句與用法. I reck n dey s gwyne to be mighty rough times . “啊,我料想他沒有叫醒你。. Like as not dey s a watchman on dat wrack . 破船上說不定還有一個看守的人呢。. But he s lucky , dey say , en i see i warn t lucky. 不過,人家說這人生來云運氣好。. He says : " i didn know dey was so many ...

  6. 作者的泰文 作者 là gì 作者的法語:名auteur 作者的日語:作者.筆者.作家.制作者.作者不詳 bùxiáng 的詩歌/作者不明の詩歌.詠み人知らずの歌. 作者的韓語:[명사] 작자. 필자. 作者的阿拉伯語:كاتب; كات ب; ك ات ب; مؤلف; موءلف; موءل ف; م ؤل ف; م ؤ ل ف;

  7. 例句與用法. He appointed williams as his deputy. 他指派威廉斯作為他的 職務代理人 。. He is my deputy during my absence. 我不在時,他我的 職務代理人 。. If the matron is absent , ask the permission from the assistant if you want to go out. 管理人員請假外出時請向 職務代理人 申請簽核。.

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