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  1. 2023年5月28日 · 背景和美术 6.8/10. 玩家们都是爱狗人士,不仅自己喜爱,还要把这份爱分享给身边的朋友和邻居们。. 游戏过程中,玩家们将会收集属于狗狗们的一切,甚至还能从收容站里救回被遗弃的狗狗,重新训练它们。. 最终将爱犬照顾得最好的玩家将会获得胜利 ...

  2. 自己一個人玩變體的單人規則將會讓你更熟悉48種不同的房間板塊喔!. ★2014 國際玩家獎最佳多人策略遊戲入圍 ★2013 桌遊怪客獎最佳遊戲作品入圍 在遊戲中,你是一位矮人小家庭的領導者(滿臉鬍子),住在山陵中的洞穴裡。.

    • Chinese
    • 2013
    • Swan Panasia Co., Ltd.
  3. U.S. President Thomas Jefferson decided to send two explorers – Meriwether Lewis and William Clark – to discover this huge terra incognita. Lewis & Clark is a board game in which each player manages an expedition intended to cross the North American continent. Their goal is to be the first to reach the Pacific.

  4. 你的回合結束,眼前的寶藏全數沉入大海,消失無蹤!夥伴!如果是你,你會怎麼做?再抽一張吧! 13歲以上|2-4人|15分鐘 牌套:65×90mm×94張

  5. Confront your rival guild in a race for victory. Take Gem and Pearl tokens from the common board, then purchase cards, gather bonuses, royal favors, and prestige. Discover new twists and strategic opportunities derived from Splendor, the original best-selling game.

  6. Everdell is a game of dynamic tableau building and worker placement. On their turn a player can take one of three actions: a) Place a Worker: Each player has a collection of Worker pieces. These are placed on the board locations, events, and on Destination cards. Workers perform various actions to further the development of a player's tableau ...

  7. 本擴展中追加了多達4種更為輕松有趣的遊戲規則,當然也壹並加入了特殊規則所需的更多有趣卡牌!那麽,放輕松開始狂歡的慶典吧! 內容物一覽: 卡牌:33 規則書:1份 註意:關於本擴展 本擴展為《散櫻亂武》桌面遊戲的擴展包。

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