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  1. Join the largest board game community online. Discover new games rate and review them and share your passion with others.

  2. 當你一張一張地翻開寶藏,試著搜刮最多的寶藏時,如果抽到的都是不同花色的寶藏,便能增加你的財富;一旦出現兩件相同花色的寶藏,就會引發爆炸! 你的回合結束,眼前的寶藏全數沉入大海,消失無蹤! 夥伴! 如果是你,你會怎麼做? 再抽一張吧! 13歲以上|2-4人|15分鐘 牌套:65×90mm×94張.

  3. 2016年11月1日 · zafara di. @zafara. Nov 1, 2016. 《奥丁的盛宴》,A Feast for Odin,一款由乌玫瑰设计,于2016年发售的桌游。. 设计师把《拼布》的拼图机制融合到之前设计的各种农场主题工人放置游戏中,并且加入了更多的可选行动,使得乌玫瑰的种地游戏越种越复杂。. 游戏中,玩家 ...

  4. Classification. Primal: the Awakening is a fully cooperative monster hunting miniature boardgame for 1-4 players set in a fantasy world where humans struggle to survive an untamed wilderness. The game is played in a series of multiple sessions throughout an epic campaign where you will take the role of hunters fighting monstrous creatures and ...

  5. This third expansion to Wingspan brings new species to our habitats by exploring the vibrant, intriguing, and magnificent birds of Asia. These birds were chosen from the over 2,800 species that live in Asia. Wingspan Asia is several different things: a standalone game for 1-2 players (and the "duet" mode that can be used with any bird/bonus cards), a card expansion to the original Wingspan ...

  6. From a simple cave, expand your dwarven home through mining, agriculture, and more. Flick discs and make trick shots in this traditional Canadian dexterity game! EV-factory workers optimize and innovate to stand out at the big board meeting. Ragnarök has come! Secure your place in Valhalla in epic Viking battles.

  7. Embark on a journey to remember through an extensive campaign narrative. Your decisions matter, and they affect the outcomes of your unique story. With upcoming expansion featuring new missions and new ships to command, Star Trek: Into the Unknown is dedicated to delivering an expansive universe to your doorstep.

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