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      • 花蓮縣 ,古稱 奇萊 ,縱貫於 臺灣 東部。 東臨 太平洋 ,西以 中央山 鄰 臺中 、 南投 、 高雄 ;北以 大濁水溪 界 宜蘭 ,南以 海岸山 接 臺東 ;土地狹長,狀若臥蠶,民多居兩山間,曰: 花東縱谷 ;境內 太魯閣國家公園 名聞遐邇。花蓮縣
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  2. 2024年6月20日 · 花蓮縣古稱 奇萊 、 洄瀾 、 多羅滿 ,是 台灣原住民族 最多的區域,境內原住民以台灣原住民 阿美族 分布最廣。 縣旗以太陽的故鄉為設計理念,太陽在海面昇起的意象,象徵太平洋的曙光;每個光點代表各族群色彩:阿美族、 太魯閣族 、 布農族 、 噶瑪蘭族 、 撒奇萊雅族 、 賽德克族 與 漢族 ,各大族群融合。 以自然 觀光 資源著名,境內有 太魯閣國家公園 、 玉山國家公園 。 歷史 [ 編輯] 主條目: 花蓮縣歷史. 花蓮古稱 奇萊 ,據《花蓮縣志》記載, 西班牙 人在1622年到這裡採取砂金,運回金包里一帶(今 新北市 金山區 ),並將現花蓮縣新城鄉稱為 多羅滿 ( 西班牙語 : Turoboan ; 臺灣話 : To-lô-boán ) [2] ,是 臺灣原住民 的世居之地。

    • 臺東縣

      臺東縣(俗字寫作台東縣;臺灣話: Tâi-tang-kuān; ...

    • 花蓮市

      花蓮市(臺灣話:Hua-liân-tshī;客家話: ...

  3. 花蓮縣古稱 奇萊 、 洄瀾 、 多羅滿 ,是 台灣原住民族 最多的區域,境內原住民以台灣原住民 阿美族 分布最廣。 縣旗以太陽的故鄉為設計理念,太陽在海面昇起的意象,象徵太平洋的曙光;每個光點代表各族群色彩:阿美族、 太魯閣族 、 布農族 、 噶瑪蘭族 、 撒奇萊雅族 、 賽德克族 與 漢族 ,各大族群融合。 以自然 觀光 資源著名,境內有 太魯閣國家公園 、 玉山國家公園 。 歷史. 花蓮古稱 奇萊 ,據《花蓮縣志》記載, 西班牙 人在1622年到這裡採取砂金,運回金包里一帶(今 新北市 金山區 ),並將現花蓮縣新城鄉稱為 多羅滿 ( 西班牙語 : Turoboan ; 臺灣話 : To-lô-boán ) [2] ,是 臺灣原住民 的世居之地。

    • History
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    Early history

    Modern-day Hualien City was originally called Kilai (Chinese: 奇萊; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Kî-lâi), after the Sakizaya Taiwanese Indigenous peoples' settlement. Spanish settlers arrived in 1622 to pan for gold. Picking up the sounds of native words, these settlers called the area Turumoan (多羅滿; To-lô-boán). Han Chinese settlers arrived in 1851. Qing dynasty records give the name of the region as Huilan (洄瀾; Hoê-liân; 'eddies') due to the whirling of waters in the delta.

    Empire of Japan

    During Taiwan's Japanese colonial period (1895–1945) the island's Japanese governors opted not to transliterate the name "Kiray" because the Japanese pronunciation of the word resembled the Japanese word for "dislike, disgusting"(嫌い, kirai). The official name became Karenkō(花蓮港, Karenkō). Karenkō Prefecture consisted of modern-day Hualien County. Toward the end of World War II the Governor-General of Taiwanmoved many Japanese residents of Taiwan to the area to develop agriculture. The county...

    Republic of China

    After the handover of Taiwan from Japan to the Republic of China in October 1945, Hualien was established as a county named Hualien County of Taiwan Province on 9 January 1946. In 1951, Hualien was the first county in Taiwan to be governed according to the ROC local autonomy law. Today the Hualien area serves as the key population centre on the east coast and is one of the five main 'life circle' regions in Taiwan, together with Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung.

    Hualien County is situated in eastern Taiwan Island. It faces the Pacific Ocean towards Japan (Okinawa Prefecture) to the east, Central Mountain Range to the west bordering Taichung City, Nantou County and Kaohsiung City, Yilan County to the north and Taitung County to the south. It stretches around 137.5 km (85.4 mi) from north to south with its w...

    Administrative divisions

    Hualien County is divided into one city, two urban townships, seven rural townships and three mountain indigenous townships. Some towns have Japanese names because these towns were named by Japanese during the Japanese ruling period from 1895 to 1945. Hualien City is the county seat and houses the Hualien County Government and Hualien County Council. Colors indicate the common language status of Hakka and Formosan languageswithin each division.


    Hualien County voted one Kuomintang legislator to be in the Legislative Yuan during the 2022 Taiwanese local elections. The incumbent Magistrate of the county is Hsu Chen-wei of the Kuomintang.


    Hualien County has 318,995 inhabitants as of January 2023 and is divided into 1 city and 12 townships. Its late development means that many aboriginal cultures such as Amis, Atayal, Bunun, Truku, Sakizaya and Kavalan are well-preserved. As of 2014, aborigines make up 27.5% of the population of Hualien County (about 91,675). The Hakka peoplecomprise about 30% of inhabitants. The county has seen negative population growth since the early 2000s due to emigration to other places outside Hualien C...


    The internationally famous Buddhist Tzu Chi foundation is headquartered in Hualien City. There are also many temples around the county. Buddhism and Folk religions are popular in Hualien County.Hualien County also has the highest concentration of Roman Catholics in Taiwan at 9.46% of the population.


    Hualien County is home to the Hualien Stadium and Hualien Baseball Stadium. Because of its awesome scenic view, fresh air, fine weather, and plenty of well-maintained bike trails, Hualien County is a popular destination for cyclist enthusiasts and marathon runners. Many cycling tournaments and marathon events are held each year in Hualien County. For example, Taiwan KOM Challengeand Taroko Gorge Marathon. Hualien also hosted the 2009 Asian Canoe Polo Championships.

    There is cement mining activity in the county. The Asia Cement Corporation plant in Xincheng Townshipcontributes nearly 29% of Taiwan's annual cement production.

    The Hualien County Department of Education lists in all 6 institutions of higher learning within the county's borders as well as 15 high schools, 35 junior high schools and 151 elementary schools, though some of the listed elementary campuses have been closed for years due to their remote location or to low enrollments.

    Hualien County houses the hydroelectric Bihai Power Plant with an installed capacity of 61.2 MW and coal-fired Hoping Power Plant with a capacity of 1,320 MW, the fourth largest coal-fired power plant in Taiwan. Both power plants are located in Xiulin Township. Due to the power plant, Hoping is also the location of a deep water bulk cargo port. Hop...


    National parks in the county are Matai'an Wetland Ecological Park, Taroko National Park and Yushan National Park. The county is also home to several mountains and cliffs, such as Hehuan Mountain, Pingfeng Mountain, Qilai Mountain and Qingshui Cliff. Other natural areas include the Liyu Lake, Shihtiping, Mugua River Gorge, Walami Trail, Niushan Huting, East Rift Valley, Rareseed Ranch, Lintianshan Forestry Culture Park and Qixingtan Beach.


    Museums and historical buildings in Hualien County include Dongli Story House, Hualien Sugar Factory, Pine Garden, Saoba Stone Pillars, Hualien Cultural and Creative Industries Park, Lintian Police Substation and Old Lintian Police Station, Chihsing Tan Katsuo Museum and Hualien County Stone Sculptural Museum.

    Theme parks

    Farglory Ocean Parkis in Hualien County.

    Taiwan Railways Administration – North-Link Line and Hualien-Taitung Line
    Provincial Highway No.8 (Central Cross-Island Highway)
  4. › zh-tw › 花蓮縣花蓮縣 - Wikiwand

    花蓮縣,是中華民國的縣份,位於臺灣東部,境內有北迴歸線通過,西臨的中央山脈,海岸山脈縱貫於境內東側,東臨太平洋(菲律賓海),北與宜蘭縣、西北與臺中市、西與南投縣、西南與高雄市、南與臺東縣相鄰,總面積為4,628平方公里,是臺灣面積最大的 ...

  5. › zh-tw › 花蓮市花蓮市 - Wikiwand

    花蓮市 位於臺灣花蓮縣東北端,為花蓮縣縣治所在地。 全市面積約為29.4095平方公里,與新城鄉皆為花蓮縣面積最小的三級行政區。 人口約有9.9萬人,人口密度每平方公里約有3,368人,是花蓮縣人口最多、人口密度最高的行政區,在全臺灣所有縣轄行政區中 ...

  6. › zh-hant › Hualien花蓮縣 - Wikiwand

    花蓮縣是台灣原住民族最多的區域,境內原住民以台灣原住民第一大族阿美族分布最廣。 縣旗以太陽的故鄉為設計理念,太陽在海面昇起的意象,象徵太平洋的曙光;每個光點代表各族群色彩:阿美族、太魯閣族、布農族、噶瑪蘭族、撒奇萊雅族、賽德克族與 ...

  7. 花蓮縣政府全球資訊網花蓮縣 政府全球資訊網 上方連結 網站導覽 觀光資訊網 English 字級 小 字級 中 字級 大 字級 公告園地 最新消息 新聞稿 公開徵才 公務聯繫 澄清專區 志願服務專區 ...