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  1. 有海量綫上例句用法,真人發音,相關詞匯翻譯查詢,自動拼寫糾錯,近義詞反義詞查詢等功能.

  2. 泳裝英文翻譯: swimsuit…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋泳裝英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯泳裝,泳裝的英語例句用法和解釋。 泳裝英文_泳裝英文怎麼說

  3. 如何陳霏造句,用陈霏造句,陈霏 in a sentence和陳霏的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  4. 霏的日語:霏fēi〈書〉(1)(雨や雪が)しきりに降る.雨雪其霏/雨や雪が降りしきる.(2)(煙や雲が)立ちこめる,漂う.煙霏云斂 liǎn /霧が立ちこめ,雲が群がる.

  5. Procedures of preparing using diluted bleach. 調校及使用稀釋 漂白水 的方法及步驟. Mop thoroughly with a 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution. 用1 : 99的稀釋家用 漂白水 徹底拖地。

  6. 例句與用法. It began to rain. he stopped the car and got down to put up the hood . 天開始細雨 霏霏 ,他停住汽車,下車支起車篷。. He never came in the afternoon . she must go home to tea. 當她回家時, 霏霏 的細雨開始下起來。. On grey mornings of rain i have crooned many an idle song. 在細雨 霏霏 ...

  7. 例句與用法. I also noticed that all the staff , ships officers , waiters , busboys , etc . , all seemed very familiar with this lady. 我也注意到 船務人員 ,游船長官,服務生,收碗盤的小弟等,都對她不陌生。.

  1. 陳姸霏 泳裝 相關

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