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  1. In Harmonies, build landscapes by placing colored tokens and create habitats for your animals. To earn the most points and win the game, incorporate the habitats in your landscapes wisely and have as many animals as you can settle there. —description from the publisher. Awards & Honors.

    • (5K)
  2. Classification. In the village of Tiefenthal lies "The Tavern of the Deep Valley". There, all citizens from the area gather, but it's important to attract new, wealthy guests for only then is there enough money to expand the tavern, which will then lure nobles into the tavern as well.

    • (14.6K)
  3. Draft dice to mark numbers on your scoresheet, comboing bonuses to power your points. Post-apocalyptic bands of punks fight to destroy the rival tribe's camps. Design the most appealing 1950s neighborhood, with fences, parks, and swimming pools. Heroes from Victorian-era literature join a skirmish to the death.

  4. Classification. In this Sid Sackson classic, players must press their luck with dice and choose combinations tactically to close out three columns. The board has one column for each possible total of two six-sided dice, but the number of spaces in each column varies: the more probable a total, the more spaces in that column and the more rolls ...

  5. With roots tracing back to the classic Third Reich, and its eventual successors-- Advanced Third Reich and Empire of the Rising Sun -- A World at War pushes this gaming system even further, expanding on the detail and choices of what was already a fine family of wargames.

  6. Castles of Burgundy is a legendary Board Game design created by Stefan Feld. In this 1-4 players tabletop experience, you will take on the role of an aristocrat controlling a small princedom. Trying to build a settlement with powerful castles, practice trades, exploit silver mines, and use the knowledge of travelers.

  7. Brass: Birmingham is an economic strategy game sequel to Martin Wallace' 2007 masterpiece, Brass. Brass: Birmingham tells the story of competing entrepreneurs in Birmingham during the industrial revolution, between the years of 1770-1870. It offers a very different story arc and experience from its predecessor.

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