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  1. Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated extends the deck-building fun of Clank! with legacy-style gameplay! Found your own franchise of the legendary adventuring company Acquisitions Incorporated, and shepherd your fledgling treasure-hunters to immortal corporate glory over the course of multiple games. Your game board, your deck, and your world ...

    • (9.3K)
  2. Forbidden Island is a visually stunning cooperative board game. Instead of winning by competing with other players like most games, everyone must work together to win the game. Players take turns moving their pawns around the 'island', which is built by arranging ...

    • (50.7K)
  3. 2023年10月25日 · 7/10 我们来到一座名叫Alula的小岛上,这片神秘的大地会随着季节的变换而改变。揭开层层的迷雾,我们需要探寻其中的奥秘,满足原驻民和神龛的需求,我们就会得到比其他探险者更多的声望。一款支持2-6人的轻策小游戏。 游戏的美术相当有特点,土著风格+绚丽色彩的组合确实让人印象深刻,这款 ...

  4. In the game Azul, players take turns drafting colored tiles from suppliers to their player board. Later in the round, players score points based on how they've placed their tiles to decorate the palace. Extra points are scored for specific patterns and completing sets; wasted supplies harm the player's score. The player with the most points at ...

  5. Nucleum is a heavy euro board game in which players take role of industrialists trying to succeed during the economic and technological boom of 19th-century Saxony, fueled by the invention and spread of the Nucleum (a nuclear reactor). Players earn victory points by developing their networks, building and powering urban buildings, securing ...

  6. In Flamecraft, 1-5 players take on the role of Flamekeepers, gathering items, placing dragons and casting enchantments to enhance the shops of the town. Dragons are specialized (bread, meat, iron, crystal, plant and potion) and the Flamekeepers know which shops are the best home for each. Visit a shop to gain items and a favor from one of the ...

  7. Gaia Project (2017) Expand, research, upgrade, and settle the galaxy with one of 14 alien species. 27K Rating s & 3.8K Comment s · GeekBuddy Analysis. 1–4 Players. Community: 1–4 — Best: 3–4. 60–150 Min. Playing Time. Age: 12+. Community: 14+. Weight: 4.39 / 5. 'Complexity' Rating. Alternate Names Gaia Project: Galaxie Terra Mystica + 10 more.

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