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  1. › video › 402858BoardGameGeek

    2022年10月6日 · Townsfolk Wanted! 派遣小鎮 》 ?遊戲人數: 2-4? | 遊玩時間: 40-80分鐘? ?遊戲介紹: 在《派遣小鎮》中玩家扮演公會長 透過各種工人幫忙探險與經商建立財富 遊戲最後最多財富的人就會名揚四海! ?機制: 公開輪選 隨機物件 成套蒐集 結束獎勵 ?前導介紹? 00:00 遊戲介紹 00:33 玩家設置 00:45 中央設置 01:31 遊戲 ...

  2. 2021年5月5日 · Voidfall is a space 4X game that brings the genre to Euro enthusiasts' tables. It combines the tension, player interaction, and deep empire customization of the 4X genre with the resource management, tight decisions, and minimum-luck gameplay of an economic Euro. Win by pushing back the Voidborn in the solo/coop mode, or by overcoming your ...

  3. 2023年8月20日 · © All rights reserved. Sep 10, 2022. 擴充用角色紙+擴充套件六角地圖 pdf. 285KB · 187 Downloads. 更新 新增支援 擴充內容 的表格! 多方兼職業 (增加欄位可大略填入職業與能力) 更多法術欄位 (擴充可能會帶給你更多可用的基本或高級法術) 訓養動物 (用來記錄訓養的動物) 坐騎 (用來記錄來的坐騎) 追隨者 (用來記錄雇傭的追隨者) 紀錄欄 (擴充增加了需要紀錄獵殺隻數或擊殺BOSS之記錄...等要求才能花錢兼職) (故設計此欄為方便玩家記錄此類資訊) Aug 23, 2022. 文字版角色紙+擴充套件六角地圖 pdf. 456KB · 122 Downloads. 簡易角色紙 (正面) + 擴充用六角地圖 (反面)

  4. 2019年5月22日 · Classification. Etherfields is a narrative, cooperative game for 1 - 4 (5 with the 5th player expansion). A series of unique Dreams await to be discovered through tense exploration and tactical encounters. Learn about the Dreamers, their forgotten past, and their desperate mission. Uncover the surreal, sprawling dreamscapes.

  5. Classification. Tainted Grail: the Fall of Avalon is an unforgettable, solo or cooperative adventure experience for 1-4 players. Blending Arthurian legends and Celtic mythology with a unique vision, it allows you to impact the game world in deep and meaningful ways. A deep, branching storyline allows you to tackle problems in different ways ...

  6. Classification. , Frosthaven is the story of a small outpost far to the north of the capital city of White Oak, an outpost barely surviving the harsh weather as well as invasions from forces both known and unknown. There, a group of mercenaries at the end of their rope will help bring back this settlement from the edge of destruction.

  7. Overall 159. Family 30. 7.5. Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) Build train routes across Europe in this sequel to the hit family board game. 76K Rating s & 11K Comment s · GeekBuddy Analysis. 2–5 Players. Community: 2–5 — Best: 4. 30–60 Min. Playing Time. Age: 8+. Community: 8+. Weight: 1.92 / 5. 'Complexity' Rating.