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  1. 三菱休旅車比較 相關

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    全方位安全防護,[ProPILOT智行安全]搭配[高剛性鋼材],創造安全旅程. 安全完勝,ProPILOT智行科技,全速域車道置中、後方緊急剎車、前前車偵測。


  1. a refund of some fraction of the amount paid. 同義詞: discount, join with a rebate; "rebate the pieces of timber and stone". cut a rebate in (timber or stone) give a reduction in the price during a sale; "The store is rebating refrigerators this week".

  2. 專用地圖是一個比較籠統的術語。Swiftly, keycase melted into the service stairway . 奇開匙迅速躲進職工專用樓梯。A specialized burning rack is used in the second step . 在第二階段,使用一個專用的焊接架。Neither is it something used exclusively by 他也不

  3. 綫上翻譯. 【查查綫上翻譯】是網上獨一無二的綫上辭典,它有以下特點. 超大詞庫. 普通辭典有和沒有的都能查到,涵蓋工作生活各個領域. 豐富例句. 大量的例句讓您清晰地理解每個詞匯的實際具體用法. 真人發音. 常用詞匯標有中英文音標,並可播放真人錄制 ...

  4. 一種用來將先前利用多路轉換器使 二個以上的 信號合為一個信號并通過單一通道進行傳輸的信號分離為兩個以上信號的裝置。. Article 23 . if the same item of income is derived by two or more individuals , tax thereon shall be calculated and paid separately on the income derived by each individual ...

  5. 英文翻譯 : as much time as possible. "盡可能合并曲面" 英文翻譯 : merge faces if possible. 例句與用法. She held herself in as long as she could . 她 盡可能 地抑制著她的感情。 He stayed out of the house as much as possible . 他 盡可能 不呆在家里。 We will expedite shipment as much as possible . 我們將 盡可能 加速裝運。

  6. 廠牌和型號的英文翻譯,廠牌和型號英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯廠牌和型號,廠牌和型號的英文單字,厂牌和型号的英文,厂牌和型号 meaning in English,廠牌和型號怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  7. 例句與用法. He would go to the plants every morning and pull five units at random off the line . 他每天上午都要到 生產車間 去,隨便從生產線上拉出五件。 An error in this area could cause considerable problem within the manufacturing plant . 在這方面如果出了毛病,對 生產車間 會造成相當大的損失。 Work orders : manufacturing orders by work center. 工作訂單:按 生產車間 安排的生產順序。

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