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  1. 節目簡介: 吹水輝為賭場常客,在賭桌上輸得身無分文。 他和好友花叔、肥狗有一間小理髮店,但卻無法支持他的賭博嗜好。 吹水輝的前女友李夕突然出現,要求他照顧「他們」的兒子李陽一個月,並奉上酬金。

  2. Watch for free Korean Dramas & Movies, Korean Variety Show, Japanese Drama, Anime, Thai Drama, Chinese Drama, Variety Shows, Taiwanese Drama and latest entertainment news on Viu! Watch and download dramas on tablet / mobile apps now!

  3. Episode 12. R21. Synopsis: "Ake" is an accounting junior in university who's also working on the side as a food delivery boy. He dreams of being a Thai cuisine chef. "Chef Aue", on the other hand, is a hot young chef, who came second place at the Chef Master.

  4. Now E | Now 爆谷. IIA. 節目簡介: 一個家,最緊要齊人開餐。. 深信此道大佬廚藝麻麻,唯有長期用心靈雞湯式金句「餵大」兩個細佬,但異父異母二佬及同父異母三弟其實覺得大佬有點老土。. 幸好大佬請來三弟廚神級女友為三兄弟包伙食,一家人終於有啖 ...

  5. 節目簡介: 善良戇直小學教師阿樂,是精神分裂症康復者,渴望愛情但從不敢戀愛。 他在街頭偶遇了清麗脫俗欣欣,一見鍾情卻掙扎應否透露病情,不幸再次病發被幻覺纏繞。

  6. Synopsis: Jilted by her boyfriend, Zheng Shu Yi tries to take revenge on him. However, she accidentally hits up on the wrong guy, Shi Yan. Unfortunately, their paths cross again in a professional setting and as a journalist, she is forced to set aside her embarrassment to win him over and score an exclusive interview with him. Tag. Huace.

  7. 孤獨搖滾!. 線上看 - 主演: 劇情:後藤一里雖然性格內向,卻靠自學練出一手好吉他,在網上小有名氣。. 升上高中她決心要彌補國中遺憾與人共...