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  1. Episode 12. Synopsis: Eun Gyeol, a seemingly ordinary high school student, leads a clandestine double life. By day, he is a model student, but by night, he becomes a guitarist for a band in Hongdae. Unexpectedly, he travels back in time. Together, they form a band called 'Watermelon Sugar' and forge a deep bond.

  2. Twinkling Watermelon. Synopsis: Eun Gyeol is a bright, responsible, musically gifted boy. He has parents who are deaf and a brother named Eun Ho, who also cannot hear. As a CODA child, a lot rests on his shoulders as he connects the world of sounds to the world of silence. Although he studies hard to fulfill his father's wish, his passion for ...

  3. 男兒當入樽 (粵語版) 日本動畫. |. 第11集. 節目簡介: 《男兒當入樽》是日本漫畫家井上雄彥經典作品,故事以高中籃球為題材,講述櫻木花道原本為了討好暗戀對象而加入籃球隊,後來卻因自身潛質而逐漸變成湘北球隊主力球員,與流川楓等隊友一同 ...

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  6. 日本動畫. |. 第1集. 節目簡介: 故事描述主角「影山茂夫」因為長相、成績、體格都不起眼,加上名字諧音而被戲稱為「路人」。 但他其實是個渾然天成超能力者。 兒時受過創傷他,在偶遇心靈導師「靈幻新隆」身邊打工,學習抑制自己能力,但情緒高漲時就可能爆發。 更因此與推崇超能力人們相遇,各種事件如雪球般愈滾愈大…… 打開 app. 標籤. 日本動畫. 動畫. 最新上架. 配音. 櫻井孝宏. 伊藤節生. 大塚明夫. 字幕. 繁體中文. 路人超能100 (第三季)線上看 - 主演: 劇情:調味市正中央,聳立著一顆青花菜神樹。 鹽國中正值提交升學志願季節,學生們各有不同想法。 在眾人暢談...

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