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  1. The Viconian cycle consists of three recurring phases: (1) The Theocratic or Divine Age, represented in primitive society by the family life of the cave, to which the thunderous voice of God has driven mankind; (2) The Aristocratic or Heroic Age, characterized by incessant conflict between the ruling patricians and their subject plebeians; (3 ...

  2. On the one hand, markets can be “embedded,” enmeshed in non-economic institutions and subject to non-economic norms, such as “the just price” and “the fair wage.”. On the other hand, markets can be “disembedded,” freed from extra-economic controls and governed immanently, by supply and demand.

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    From the Wikipedia: "Vico would therefore be using an original organic idea that culture is a system of socially produced and structured elements. Hence, knowledge of any society would come from the social structure of that society, explicable, therefore, only in terms of its own language. As such, one may find a dialectical relationship between la...

    Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: "In Vico’s view, is to appreciate history as at once “ideal”-since it is never perfectly actualized-and “eternal,” because it reflects the presence of a divine order or Providence guiding the development of human institutions. Nations need not develop at the same pace-less developed ones can and do coexist with...

    The First New Science, edited and translated by Leon Pompa, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

  3. Following Badaracco (1991), the notion of embedded knowledge explores the significance of relationships and material resources. Embedded knowledge is analyzable in systems terms, in the relationships between, for example, technologies, roles, formal procedures, and emergent routines.

  4. Therefore, prices, instead of being the cause of rationing, as in the market system, become the effect of it and are assigned the role of equating demand and supply in an artificial market that secures the sovereignty of both consumers and producers. The prices formed in this way, together with a complex index of desirability drawn on the basis ...

  5. Recent debate has raised several objections to the notion of Free Digital Labor. Our aim is to clarify the terms of the debate and to revive the relevance of the notion of Free Digital Labor through a historical and theoretical analysis of the transformations of the relationship between capital and labor."

  6. Description. "Lumen is an independent research project studying cease and desist letters concerning online content. We collect and analyze requests to remove material from the web. Our goals are to educate the public, to facilitate research about the different kinds of complaints and requests for removal--both legitimate and questionable--that ...