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  1. › wiki › LeekLeek - Wikipedia

    Source: USDA Nutrient Database. The leek , Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum (L.), whiles kent as Allium porrum, is a vegetable that belangs, alang wi the ingan an garlic, tae the Alliaceae faimily. Twa sib vegetables, the elephant garlic an kurrat, is variant subspecies o Allium ampeloprasum an aw, awtho different in thair uisses as fuid.

  2. › wiki › CrawCraw - Wikipedia

    A haver craw A craw is a black bird o the genus Corvus for ordinar Corvus frugilegus an Corvus cornix.Craws is amang the maist knackie birds in the warld. Ither Craws an sib birds the reuk, corn-craw or wid-craw (Corvus frugilegus) the corbie or raen (Corvus corax) ...

  3. Perth an Kinross ( Scots Gaelic: Peairt agus Ceann Rois) is ane o the 32 cooncil areas o Scotland, an a lieutenancie area anaw. It haes mairches wi Aiberdeenshire, Angus, Dundee, Fife, Clackmannanshire, Stirlin, Argyll an Bute an Hieland cooncil areas. The cooncil area braidlie marraes the umwhyl coonties o Perthshire an Kinross-shire.

  4. › wiki › RosythRosyth - Wikipedia

    Rosyth (Scots Gaelic: Ros Saidhe or Ros Fiobha) is a smaw toun atween Dunfermline an Inverkeithin in Fife. The name o the toun is Gaelic, and micht mean Pynt o Hey, mibbies referring tae Castleland Hill near the banks o the Forth. There is a fifteent century castle at uised tae staun on an inch in the Forth but is nou surroondit bi industrial ...

  5. › wiki › KiltKilt - Wikipedia

    A kilt in the Black Watch tartan. A kilt is a ceremonial airticle o claes worn in Scotland.It is made o a thick, wuiven fabric wi a tartan (chackert) paitren.It resemmles a pleatit skirt except that it is worn by men. It is still worn durin ceremonies by some Scots an Canadian military units an by fowk that play the bagpipes (a Scots wind instrument).

  6. › wiki › ArthropodArthropod - Wikipedia

    Arthropoda is the phylum for aw the Arthropod speshie. Arthropoda is in the domain eukaryots, the kinrick Animalia, the subkinrick Eumetazoa, an the superphylum Ecdysozoa. Arthropods haes exoskelets, lithed bodies, an lithed limms. Some o the maist weel-kent arthropods is insects, speeders, an trilobytes . Subphylum Trilobitomorpha.

  7. › wiki › Plaid_CymruPlaid Cymru - Wikipedia

    Plaid Cymru ( Inglis / ˌplaɪd ˈkʌmri / PLYDE KUM-ree; [21] Welsh: [plaid ˈkəmri]; offeecially Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales, aften kent as jist Plaid) is a Welsh nationalist political pairty in Wales. Ideologically, Plaid is poseitioned on the centre-left tae left-weing o the British political spectrum an caas for Welsh unthirldom ...