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  1. › wiki › MammothMammoth - Wikipedia

    Mammoth. A mammoth is ony species o the extinct genus Mammuthus. Thir proboscideans is members o the elephant faimlie an sib tae modren elephants. Thay war aften graithed wi lang, bowed tusks an, in northren species, a coat o lang hair. Thay wis tae the fore atween the Pliocene epoch fae 4.8 million year til aboot 4,500 year syne.

  2. Anthus trivialis (for common cried tree-laverock, wid-laverock, whey bird, sad-lairk, short-heelt field-lairk, tree-lairk, wid-lairk) is a smaw passerine bird that breeds athort maist o Europe an temperate wastren an central Aisie. ↑ BirdLife International (2012). "Anthus trivialis". IUCN Reid Leet o Threatened Species.

  3. › wiki › CrawCraw - Wikipedia

    A haver craw A craw is a black bird o the genus Corvus for ordinar Corvus frugilegus an Corvus cornix.Craws is amang the maist knackie birds in the warld. Ither Craws an sib birds the reuk, corn-craw or wid-craw (Corvus frugilegus) the corbie or raen (Corvus corax) ...

  4. › wiki › ReptileReptile - Wikipedia

    Reptile. Clockwise frae abuin left: Green sea turtle ( Chelonia mydas ), Tuatara ( Sphenodon punctatus ), Nile crocodile ( Crocodylus niloticus ), an Sinai agama ( Pseudotrapelus sinaitus ). Reptiles, the cless Reptilia, are an class o animals, comprisin the day's turtles, crocodilians, snakes, lizards an tuatara, as well as mony extinct groups.

  5. › wiki › Muff_cockMuff cock - Wikipedia

    Binomial name. Scolopax rusticola. Linnaeus, 1758. Scolopax rusticola rusticola. The muff cock or muckle snippock ( Scolopax rusticola) is a medium-smaw wadin bird foond in temperate an subarctic Eurasie . References. ↑ BirdLife International (2012). "Scolopax rusticola". IUCN Reid Leet o Threatened Species.

  6. › wiki › InvertebrateInvertebrate - Wikipedia

    Invertebrates is ony animal species that disnae hae nor develop a vertebral column, derived frae the notochord. Exemples o invertebrates incluid the molluscs, sic as seechs an snails, arthropods, consistin o arachnids, crustaceans an insects, an cnidarians lik coral an loch-livers, amang mony mair taxa . Categeries: Invertebrates.

  7. › wiki › OpisthokontOpisthokont - Wikipedia

    The opisthokonts ( Greek: ὀπίσθιος ( opísthios) = "rear, posterior" + κοντός ( kontós) = "pole" i.e. "flagellum") are a broad group o eukaryotes, includin baith the ainimal an fungus kingdoms, [5] thegither wi the eukaryotic microorganisms that are whiles grouped in the paraphyletic phylum Choanozoa (conventionally assigned tae ...