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  1. 2011年3月25日 · The term "waifu" is a word that is used prevalently in the Manga/Cartoon, and Video-game fandoms. The origin of the word comes from the katakana word for wife; ワイフ However, Japanese-speakers will never use that word. The real word for wife is 妻 (tsuma/sai).

  2. A term for a person who is loving and caring to someone they like until their love, admiration and devotion becomes feisty and mentally destructive in nature through over protectiveness, violence, brutality or all three combined. Yandere is mentally unstable and uses ...

  3. 2022年8月25日 · Anyone who dislikes junior b If y’all don’t fuck wit junior b then You’s a hater, just saying a word that is endlessly thrown around alot but people will never get to the source of the problem with the way they treat it. a hater is a person who hates a person for no apparent reason, and when you ask them, they cant explain why they hate you without sounding like a complete douche. what a ...