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  1. Jung-gu official website. Jung-gu (Scots: Jung Destrict ), literally meanin Central Destrict, is ane o the 25 gu which mak up the ceety o Seoul, Sooth Korea. It is locatit on the north side o the Han River, an as its name implees, is the historical centre o the ceety. Locatit in the hert o Seoul, Jung-gu is an aurie wi a variety o auld an new.

  2. North Hwanghae (Hwanghaebuk-do) is a province o North Korea.The province wis formed in 1954 when the umwhile Hwanghae Province wis split intae North an Sooth Hwanghae.The provincial caipital is Sariwon.The province is bordered bi Pyongyang an Sooth Pyongan tae the north, Kangwon tae the east, Kaesong Industrial Region tae the sooth, an Hwanghaenam-do soothwast.

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