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  1. 女背心外套 相關

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  1. Sexual intercoorse in the meessionar poseetion, the maist common human sex poseetion, [1] [2] depictit bi Édouard-Henri Avril Sexual intercoorse (whiles cried hochmagandy or mow) is forordinar the name gien tae the thrist o the stey penis intil the vagina for sexual pleisur, for tae hae childer, or baith. [3] ...

  2. Genbu. Kunrei-shiki. Genbu. The Black Tortoise is ane o the Fower Seembols o the Cheenese constellations. It is whiles cried the Black Warrior o the North (北方玄武, Běi Fāng Xuán Wǔ), an is kent as Xuanwu in Cheenese, Genbu in Japanese, Hyeonmu in Korean an Huyền Vũ in Vietnamese. It represents the north an the winter saison.

  1. 女背心外套 相關

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